
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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JadeTheAssassin's News

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 20th, 2007

SO yeah, I've basically recovered from the cold I had earlier. All that remains is a slightly stuffy nose, which I seem to have year-round.

So, for the last few days, I've been down at one of my school's satellite campuses, doing a unit on carpentry. Been having a ton of fun with that.

Built a small sawhorse, just need to sand it and hand it in, then I get to lug it on the bus. :D
Built a small "shack"--basically, a small, roofless three-room place that's 12' by 8' that will be destroyed on Friday so the two guys' classes can tackle the project. Built it so we have two doors into the "house", two partition walls, and two windows that go between the partition walls (Yeah, I know).

To tell you the truth, I had a ton of fun with the saws and hammering shit in. Only problem I had is that I am pitiful at measuring. So the unit ends tomorrow, and next week, we're doing welding. :D


Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 14th, 2007

I think the cold medicine I took had something to do with it..

Alright, so I was on the computer, doing what I would usually do. Except I was chatting with Tim Allen and his TV wife from Home Improvement. I tried taking a picture of this for proof to show to people, but the weird thing is, when I was taking the picture, it wasn't Tim Allen who was in the webcam window.

It was this scruffy-looking guy with glasses. Apparently, he's known as this child molestor/paedo, and I knew it right away.

Out of fear I'd get in big shit with the cops over it, I ran outside into the dark streets, looking for this little girl who I somehow knew was going to go see him.
I find her, and she looks a bit like Maddy McCain, except with a longer face. She's toting around her computer tower with receipts on the top. I tell her to stop, and she does. So we hop onto this bus and we're driving along this country road.

We finally get off at a farm, and we look around. There are huge machine parts everywhere, and the one of the farmhouses looks dilapidated and old. We continue looking around, hoping to find someone, but who did we end up finding?

The Firefly family from House of 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects.

Later on, Baby Firefly, Captain Spaulding, and Otis were walking along in a fairground, where they come upon this weird hamburger stand. Baby wants this REALLY spicy chicken burger, so this Chinese vendor lady hands her the spiciest one.
Complaining about it not being hot, Baby throws it back, wanting more in it. The poor vendor puts more of the chicken and bacon in it (I don't know), as well as some pickles, and Baby eats it quite happily. Although by this time, she was thrown in jail with Otis and Spaulding.

And that is when I got woken up by Chris Martin singing about clocks, and the realization that my head cold is progressing into my throat. :(

Oh well.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 6th, 2007

I'm once again back to school after a year of working/visiting Fyndir.


Anyways, yeah. So I'm going to a tech institute to do an overall trades course, so I get to dabble in all kinds of neat shit, like aviation, automechanics, heavy duty, welding, carpentry, marine, among other things. 4 month course, not that bad.

The campus is not very far-spread, which makes it a ton better than, let's say, UBC (which is like, super-huge and everything's spread apart ftl). As well as the campus being smaller, the class sizes are small as well. My trades program has only 16 people in it (well, 16 women including myself).

My books costs less than $80, but then again, they're coiled notebook like textbooks. :P BUT STILL, BEAT THAT, $100 TEXTBOOKS THAT ARE USELESS. And there's a school store in the tech/design building I'm in, and there's a small wall with like, 30 different flavours/brands of ramen. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT? And they have a slurpee machine in there! :D:D:D:D

I feel like this big excitement will wear off.
But I'm waiting until after I learn how to drive a forklift to see if the fun wears off. ;) VROOM VROOM.

Course ends on the 20th of December.

My goal: Get my ass to Scotland by February. Look to see what kind of jobs/further education I can get there.

I'm hoping I get a bit of a waitlist if I do decide to go into electrical, just so I can see my honey for his birthday.

Plus, I got a travel voucher I should blow. :D

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 2nd, 2007



Man, I was up since 9 last night, and I went to work, and I'm all like woooo.

Another schoolgirl

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 1st, 2007

The skirt is my favourite part.

Schoolgirls :D

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - August 26th, 2007

Since when did proper etiquette and manners disappear from everyone's minds? Seriously. Common courtesy. That's gone.

I've been working in the service industry for going on 3 years as of December 4th, and I've experienced some really rude people. I try my best to remain kind and peppy, speaking in a higher-than-normal, cutesy pitch if I'm so inclined to. Which leads to a high, tinkling laugh which I don't think is so bad, you know.

Anyways. The point is, I try to stay happy, I try to stay as polite as I possibly can. I say my pleases and thank yous in a gentle tone. I never snub customers, nor do I look down at them like they were scum. I don't throw money back at the customers. I don't repeat myself as often. When I'm spoken to, I respond back. When told to have a good day, I'll say "You too!".

Why can't people do that? Where have the pleases and thank yous gone? Why must you pretend you didn't hear me? Why won't you just respond with a goddamn "I'm fine, thanks" when I ask you how you are. It's only polite. Don't fucking glare at me like I was a shitstain on your shoe--I'm here to serve you. You buying your coffee/scones/wraps/groceries/clothing from this cafe/grocery store/clothing store pays to keep me here so you aren't paying someone else further away from you.
I hand you your money right into your palm, I don't leave it at the edge of the counter where I have to strain my back to reach it, or where you're sadistically laughing in your head about that stupid barista who has to reach for the money.
I don't act snobbily to you if you want extra room in your cup for milk. You tell me once, I'll make sure you have enough room. You don't have to show off to your old lady friends that you're some big shot who can order us around. I used to go to the same church as you, I can find your name. I don't forget a face that easily.

Please, don't rush off and ignore me when I see you going towards the door, and I wish for you to have a good day. Karma will bite you in the ass if you don't say the same back to me.

And don't start bitching at me because we don't make decaf coffee except for Friday and Saturday. That was the boss' idea because decaf doesn't sell as well. We're saving your lives--decaf is a TON worse for you than having a cup of regular mild roast.

I got taught manners that will stay with me the rest of my life. Were you ever taught manners?

For fucks sake, all the abusive PMs I get calling me a cuntface/bitch/faggot/etc are a ton better than getting a face full of snob.

Hey, just because you pay $2 for coffee, and that you can afford it every day, doesn't mean you have to bite the hand that gets you your goddamned coffee.
Next time, I won't be so nice.

Manners, anyone?

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - August 25th, 2007

We were joking.

Still madly in love. <3

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - August 23rd, 2007

Yeah. Once I get over the "fuck, I've been up since 3:30 this morning, and I've had some cider, so I'm completely wonky" kind of mindset, I'll get a topic made that I've been meaning to do for a while.

Anyways, in other news, I bought a shitload of new clothes the other day. I FEEL ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. :D

So here's a picture of me in my kickass sunglasses that make me feel like a celebrity for some reason, other than the fact that I went into the grocery store I used to work at, and no one recognized me, and there was this scary-looking produce guy, and yeah. He looks scary, and my mum's obsessed over him cuz he looks scary.


But not this. This is hot. I'd post a picture of my ass in my new pair of jeans, but your screen would explode from the nice ass you'd see.

New topic by me soon...

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - August 18th, 2007

JadeTheAssassin--you have reached level 20 of Café Barista. Your sandwich making points are currently 61 SMP!

You now have: Confirm order ability!

So my boss told me that I make the best sammiches at the place I work. Which made me go all "NO FUCKING WAY! What about <better worker than me>?"
He said no.
So I high-fived myself in my mind, and my day became instantly a whole ton better, considering I had to go in two hours early (no sleeping in :(:( ), but I didn't mind.
Got like, $10 in tips, so that was woot.

I need to prove myself. I don't know how.

But you'll hear my name, and it'll be associated with sandwiches. And you'll all be proud, because I'm a real woman who stays in the fucking kitchen and does as she's told. :D

And it might explain why I get so many sandwich orders from the guys at the barber shop across the street. :P
Scrambled egg, bacon, salami, and hot sauce on onion bun wtf ew.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - August 16th, 2007

MattTheParanoidKat told me to tell you guys to read this.

It is hilarious.

I will not advertise anymore stories.


I hate being up early. :(