
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Weirrrrrrrd dream

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 14th, 2007

I think the cold medicine I took had something to do with it..

Alright, so I was on the computer, doing what I would usually do. Except I was chatting with Tim Allen and his TV wife from Home Improvement. I tried taking a picture of this for proof to show to people, but the weird thing is, when I was taking the picture, it wasn't Tim Allen who was in the webcam window.

It was this scruffy-looking guy with glasses. Apparently, he's known as this child molestor/paedo, and I knew it right away.

Out of fear I'd get in big shit with the cops over it, I ran outside into the dark streets, looking for this little girl who I somehow knew was going to go see him.
I find her, and she looks a bit like Maddy McCain, except with a longer face. She's toting around her computer tower with receipts on the top. I tell her to stop, and she does. So we hop onto this bus and we're driving along this country road.

We finally get off at a farm, and we look around. There are huge machine parts everywhere, and the one of the farmhouses looks dilapidated and old. We continue looking around, hoping to find someone, but who did we end up finding?

The Firefly family from House of 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects.

Later on, Baby Firefly, Captain Spaulding, and Otis were walking along in a fairground, where they come upon this weird hamburger stand. Baby wants this REALLY spicy chicken burger, so this Chinese vendor lady hands her the spiciest one.
Complaining about it not being hot, Baby throws it back, wanting more in it. The poor vendor puts more of the chicken and bacon in it (I don't know), as well as some pickles, and Baby eats it quite happily. Although by this time, she was thrown in jail with Otis and Spaulding.

And that is when I got woken up by Chris Martin singing about clocks, and the realization that my head cold is progressing into my throat. :(

Oh well.


sudafed ftw


And I really don't want to work tomorrow and infect people.

Yeah..... very weird dream.

Do they have Tylenol Sore Throat Syrup up by you, Sweetie?
It works great on Sore throats. Only thing out there more powerful, and youd need a prescription! Get that Syrup. The only two times it failed to work for me, is when I had serious bacterial infections in my throat.

Feel better soon, Sweetie. :)
Much <3

It was weird. Weird dreams lately..

Anyways, I don't know, but I don't have the sore throat (yet). Just got stuffy nose and plugged ears, and lots of sneezing.

And thanks, hon. <3

El em ef eh oh.

I had a similar dream, except I ate cookies at the end.

You didn't have circa-1990's Tim Allen trying to get you to make child prawn with him. >: (

buckleys tastes like hillbilly ass and it doesnt work. believe me - i floated a bottle of the stuff only to get worse.

but my experience with sudafed has been moar then satisfactory so far - gets rid of my congestion/allergy symptoms :3


Fear me, for I will aid the bacteria and spread it on! DAT'S RAIGHT, I'S GONNA WORK ANYWAYS.

I want to be told to go home.

oh, i forgot to mention. get teh not-100%-legal one. the one with pseudo-ephedrine. it works miracles. SUDAFED PE is just shite.



hehe, well wikipedia tells me that PLAIN OLE EPHEDRINE would kill you if you ate it - that it can only be used as a topical treatment-type-thing. like rubbing alcohol - DON'T YOU PUT IT IN YUR MOUF

also, those customers deserve whats coming to them [SARS]


i aer quite dizzy after double dosing sudafeds an sharing a mickey of rum with my friend. im gonna go pass out in a pool of my own vomit. goodnight

I usually forget my dreams after i eat breakfast.

NO! Otis and captain spaulding went to jail, they are my favorite good/evil charecters in movies :3 Rob is a genius at makiing movies, I hope he makes another one.

Otis is my favorite charecter.

Look on the bright side..... Your cold is nothing compared to the root-canal I just had. Literally, it's 7:03pm. Spent 4 1/2 hours at the dentist's office.

Make sure to brush & floss.
Much <3

Hmmmm, considered changing your medication and diet?