
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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the guy above me is a dickhead

He's my boyfriend.
He's allowed to be a dickhead. :D

Sounds like an average day where I work


I hate people.

I wish life was like the BBS, so I can ban people. :D

if you wished life was like the BBS you would hear the words "yiff, n00b, fap, fail, epic, and win every five seconds. also you would see owls flying around saying O rly? and YA rly....sounds better than the real world!

"For fucks sake, all the abusive PMs I get calling me a cuntface/bitch/faggot/etc are a ton better than getting a face full of snob."

and that's exactly the reason why jokes belong IRL and not on the ng-bbs

And you're saying?

ummm, i don't remember what i wanted to say there.

but regarding your manners rant - i've worked at 2 different retail stores, and this is my second year in retail (first year at winners) and you'll always get customers who expect you to fellate them.

since i've just started working at winners, i try to be, ummm, respectful (?) to customers. im not sure if thats the word, but like, im not gonna go and piss them off, but im not trying to be super-nice and helpful and shit either. unless it's some hot girl. then i might be a little nicer :P

I know exactly what you mean, Sweetie. (All those stereo-types of New Yorkers being rude as Hell is true). Honestly, I think some people weren't raised with manners. But that's just part of it. I've known of customers who used to go to the high-end pen shop I used to work in. Some of them would actually walk in and say shit like "I'm a DOCTOR!"

As if they instantly expected to be treated like Gods who could act any way they wanted. Sadly, Snobs are just a fact of Life...... Please stay nice. I've known too many girls who were sweet, but became sour as Life went on.


I try to, Monocrom. I try my best to stay pleasant and nice.

comenn..co-coro...cortusiy? huh?

Last week at work I was helping a customer return something. I finish writing it up, give the customer his money, and I take the item over to the other side of the courtesy counter where we put all the returned items and promptly walk back to the main side of the desk. The round trip takes all of three seconds and seven steps.

One of my co-workers started helping the next customer in my "absence" and no one else is in line so I start talking to one of the girls I work with. Suddenly the aforementioned woman grabs my attention with a "'scuse me" and in a in the most pleseant tone she can muster through the shit eating-est smile she can make she says (I'm going from memory here, but this is pretty much what she said), "I'm sorry, it's not a big deal, but before you just ignored me. You walked right over there without helping me. I was next in line and you just walked away. Really though, it's not a big, I just wanted you to know."

Usually I'll spit something out in my defense when a customer is offended by something I do, but she really caught me off guard. Partially from the incredibly passive-agressive "you can't make me feel like shit" way she said it, but mostly because it's an incredibly dumb thing to get offended over.

We all had a decent laugh after she left.

It's amazing, no?
It's like a subtle guilt trip--you didn't seem to see me, so I'm going to try and guilt trip you into feeling bad for me so I can walk all over you.

She was the person being helped in your "absence", wasn't she?

Yeah I'm sure many people haven't been through and etiquette or ethics class Jade >.>;

Don't get fustrated with petty shit like that, you really want some sort of utopia? That's not going to happen T_T.

There needs to be a few people you just want to slap the shit out of.

There will always be assholes to balance the mannerly.
light and dark
yin and yang


Many people view waiters/waitress as petty servants working for need and not charity or because they may enjoy it. And they get treated as such. It's just the way shit is. Not all of them, but many if them. In that same bunch show may it more so than others ( the rude people ).. but they all think that.


Some of those people might be already pissed when they came in the door. Sometimes it's better to just not say anything to him/her after they have given you the hint. Each person is different and you have to act accordingly. but like I said...

It's just the way shit is. =/

It isn't petty. Because it happens to everyone in the service industry--it's more of an epidemic than anything. Of course it won't be the only thing holding us humans from utopia, but it'd make the world more tolerable.

I know some of these people who act like that are in a bad mood--I can be in a bad mood, but I don't usually show it unless I'm at home.
I NEVER get snarky with people who serve me.

Karma will get those people in the end. Whether I play a part in it or not.

Yeah, I stepped aside to move something out of the way and I can only assume she immediately got service from one of the other people working with me.

I know. I used to work at CD plus (got bought out by HMV, and they got new staff :'(). And now I work at a golf course, cleaning the carts for customers to ride on.

Now, there is about 70+ golf carts, and in the summer weekends, atleast 80% are used. Now, there is two people that work this job, and for a busy gold course, it can be hard with people around. I try not to run into conflict with customers, but sometimes it does happen. They will come out of the pro shop with cart #54, but I am washing 54. So I come back to park 54 to see a customer looking helpless because I took his cart and cleaned it out. And they bitch at me.

"Why the fuck are you on my cart I have a round of golf to play". Meanwhile his tee time isn't for another 10 minutes, and I brought it back clean. I almost want to say "Sorry for washing out your cart, getting rid of all the rappers, beer cans and shit people leave in it, and I am so sorry for filling the fuel tank so you can actually ride in it". I usually just say sorry continually before they stop bitching and drive away in it.

But heres the thing, I am there to help them, and make their day better. I am not there to try and make them late or pissed, I am cleaning their carts, because who wants to sit in something that is filled with 6 beer cans and a half eaten sandwich? And who wants their cart to run out of fuel from the get-go? I am a very cheery person, it comes naturally. When I drive by people, I wave and say good morning to them... it's like they are completely clueless at what you are doing...

A coffee shop would be worse though, because you deal with way more customers and frustration.

It's like how I was sweeping the cafe one time near closing. This woman was sitting eating a wrap at one of the tables, and I was trying to sweep all the other tables besides hers so I wouldn't bother her.

She gets in a hissy fit and tells me that it's bad restaurant manners to sweep while people are eating.
I didn't know that this was a restaurant, I apologize to her anyways, saying that it needed to be done.
My boss then told me quietly that I should sweep from the front first the next time. She overheard him, and told him that it was bad manners.

When she finally got her ass out of there (she never came back afaik), I think my boss noticed I was in a pissy mood...

I mean, you can't help to clean up to make it more hygenic and more cleaner for the patrons of the place, right? No one wants to drive around in a dirty cart, people don't want to eat on a dirty table. Why do they still act like they have priority to yell at you when you're trying to do something for them?

I'm sorry about this long line-up, ma'am, I'll go move that plate for you right now!

Turn that frown upside down.


I know the feelings all too well. I work at Coles, the Australian version of Wal-Mart or whatever you guys have over there, and Its my job to put products on the shelves and fill up any displays that empty. It's also my job to ask any questions that the customers have.

Unfortunataly for me, customers expect me, a lowly storehand, to be fully in charge of the store. When a product they want is empty, and we have no stock left out the back, I often get shouted at for allowing our stock to empty. I hate this, because not only do I have nothing to do with ordering stock in every night (thats the manager's job), but why should I be blamed for people buying things?

Another type of customer I get is the 'Why does this cost X?!!!" These will come in and complain to me because a product costs too much, or too little, or whatever. Again, I am not in charge of pricing, that is all decided by somebody who dosent even work in the store. The pricing is decided by head office, not me, yet customers take out their anger for having to pay $1.35 for a can of soup.


I dont know why customers always seem to think that they are above the people serving them. It amazes me that people can just not understand that we are all people too.

I know the feeling about getting asked about when the stock comes in. And why things cost so much. :/

It's like, "Hi, I don't wear a tie, nor do I have the title of Manager on my nametag. I don't do the ordering or the pricing, so kindly fuck off."

You work in a coffee shop.

Think about that for a minute. Let it soak in for a little bit.

Good? OK.

You serve a legalized drug to addicts all day long. A drug that is known to make people anxious tired, cranky and mean. You know this. They know this. The problem compaounds when they feel their sense of entitlement to be a dick because they are paying for this drug, in this form, for literally double, triple, or more it's wholesale price.

I know that, Paul. :P

It also doesn't help that it's a small coffee shop, and that we are basically JUST making it with the regulars that come in every day.

It also doesn't help that the homes around here are now selling for upwards of a million dollars, and that it's a "good neighbourhood".


Come on MSN soon, kthx.

I wouldn't exactly call coffee a legalized drug. It's not like the same level of withdrawl a meth addict feels when they haven't had it for awhile. It's coffee. I usually have a few cups at work to keep me awake. But if I'm without it, I don't turn into a rude monster. And since I don't work weekends, I don't drink it.....

I think it's far more likely that poor Jade is just dealing with snobs. Rude MFers who think they're better than everyone else. If Jade worked at a Hot Dog stand or a Juice Bar, she'd still deal with the same A-hole types of customers.

When I was over in Scotland, I did go through a bit of withdrawl. :P Ask Fyndir how little coffee I had over there, and I can tell you how much coffee I go through on a daily basis. :P

And yeah, complete snobs.

I've been on MSN all day. If I go idle, it's because I put it in the background.


Read what I wrote again. 'In this form' - caffeine is a drug. Coffee is the catalyst.


LMFAO Consider the ban extended.

Id be nice to you.

Why thank you. :)

I feel your pain.
Though I'm sure I'm not nearly as patient with rude, stupid and annoying people as you are. I may just headbutt one of them one of these days.
Noone under 30 even says please or thank you.

I'm lucky that I can hold myself back from throwing steamed milk in their faces. :D

And it's true.

Common curtesy is overrated Jade : /

No it isn't.
It's horrifically uncommon.

Working in the service industry is pretty much synonomous with taking people's shit. Yeah, it's uncalled for, but unfortunately it's perfectly acceptable by society's standards to be an asshole to anyone you don't know. And even if you don't happen to work in some sort of customer service capacity, people in general are just not nice to anyone they don't personally know, and sometimes not even to people they do know. It's because children are brought up hearing "You're special" from their parents, school, etc. What they need to be told is "You're no different from everyone else until you prove to me that you are"

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