JadeTheAssassin--you have reached level 20 of Café Barista. Your sandwich making points are currently 61 SMP!
You now have: Confirm order ability!
So my boss told me that I make the best sammiches at the place I work. Which made me go all "NO FUCKING WAY! What about <better worker than me>?"
He said no.
So I high-fived myself in my mind, and my day became instantly a whole ton better, considering I had to go in two hours early (no sleeping in :(:( ), but I didn't mind.
Got like, $10 in tips, so that was woot.
I need to prove myself. I don't know how.
But you'll hear my name, and it'll be associated with sandwiches. And you'll all be proud, because I'm a real woman who stays in the fucking kitchen and does as she's told. :D
And it might explain why I get so many sandwich orders from the guys at the barber shop across the street. :P
Scrambled egg, bacon, salami, and hot sauce on onion bun wtf ew.
Thank you for ending the Harry potter thread.