
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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JadeTheAssassin's News

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - November 8th, 2008


I bet the fucking horse gets a fucking discount, while I'd pay $30/hr for that shit.

Fuck that.

And why did I have that disturbing dream about Al Franken and that horse? :(

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - November 5th, 2008

Thursday and Friday look to be horrifically raining, which is awesome because I know I'll get some sexcellent sleep. :D Yay for days off.

And I did an actual painting of a mermaid, I'll try and get my dad to scan it at some point.

Also getting more frustrated with work--my boss left the cordless phone outside overnight in the rain and I freaked out and I might have cried because my mum came in wondering why I didn't do my morning call to make sure I got up to work ok. Among other things...


I'm feeling ok today.

Edit: Except for the fact that I started bawling watching the end of an episode of Doctor Who. bawwwwww. MUST NOT CRY AGAIN.

Edit Part Deux: I OVERSLEPT AND WAS LATE! Oops! Two extra hours of sleep was awesome, although the heart-pounding OHSHIT I HOPE MY BOSS ISN'T COMING IN EARLY and ohshitneedtogeteverythingready scariness passed. :D

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - November 2nd, 2008

but i have to.

3 more days, then I get two off.
3 more days, then I get two off.
3 more days, then I get two off.

7 1/2 hour shift, then you get home.
7 1/2 hour shift, then you get home.
7 1/2 hour shift, then you get home.

4 hour sleep.
4 hour sleep.
4 hour sleep.

Slowly losing my mind.
Slowly losing my mind.
Slowly losing my mind.

Stressed out.
Stressed out.
Stressed out.

And time to forget.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 31st, 2008

Happy Halloween. :)

<3 Tsukino Usagi ^-^

I would have posted a picture of me in my costume, but I never got around to it, and by the time I got home from work (where I spent 4 hours straight in my 4 inch platform boots (yeah, I'm fucking hardcore)), I was chilled, wet, and just wanting to get into pjs.

And uh, I'm too lazy to get out of my hairdo JUST yet. ;)

Sailor Moon Says...

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 29th, 2008

Either something big is about to happen (I don't think it's the elections), something is about to change (either for me/family/work/worldwide), or something bad is going to happen to someone I know.

Had a weirddddd feeling when I went for my break at work that something seemed amiss, or someone i know was in trouble/hurt/dead. Gahh.

I just hope everyone's ok.

Makes me NOT want to go out driving tonight.

/* */

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 21st, 2008

Edit: ANOTHER ONE GONE, ANOTHER ONE GONE, ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUSTS. Jesus H Christ, can't we find RELIABLE people anymore?!

Awwww poop. The newest person at my cafe seems to have given up. She never showed up, and my boss didn't bother calling her when he got to work earlier than normal so I wasn't all by myself.

Oh well, she apparently got reamed out for not improving in three weeks, standing around while me and my work buddy did stuff (she, like a few others before her, never ask if there's something to do...), and she had her boyfriend sitting where we normally take our breaks, and so she kept getting distracted, you know, when my boss was around.
And also, when she first dropped off her resume/got interviewed, her dad came in with her, which is a big nono in the job-hunting world. You go in by yourself, and you leave whoever you brought with you outside.

Oh well. Back down to... *counts on my fingers* 4 people. For now, a new girl is starting tomorrow, and I hope she stays a while, at least, and doesn't magically disappear like a lot of the ones that my boss seems to bring in out of nowhere. And, I swear to God, let her speak decent English. Pleasepleaseplease, it's hard enough with his cousin who is in ESL classes right now and hard enough sometimes with my boss, but doighgugheiwugbf.

Anyone looking to move to Vancouver to work at my coffee shop? Starting wage is $8/hr with tips, and for the first week or so, you get to do dishes and make sandwiches. And you get to hang out with me, and I will do most of the work. But if I catch you slacking off, you're utterly toast.

Please send your resume.

Oh yeah, if you don't have tits, your application's going in the trash. And if you write that you're a pro MTG player, I'm only going to look at it and tell everyone about it.


Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 19th, 2008

I was doing so well this morning/early afternoon. I was all smiles, very cheery. I picked up the slack, bought my parents coffee, bought my co-worker a drink, and just felt like it was a good day.

Thanks to my fucking period and a few choice words, I kinda did a 180 and I'm a complete mess right now.

I need a break.

I'm so tired.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 15th, 2008

And I bought lots.

I bought everything I was looking to buy, plus some extra cute stuff that I couldn't resist. ^-^


Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 13th, 2008

that can only be tamed if I go on a shopping spree and get me some damn fine boots and a pea coat, among other things.


mmm, need to look damn fine this fall, I tell you. I've been feeling good about myself the last little while, so clothing that makes me feel good will make it so I'm not so cranky towards you folks. :P

And looking good means more fancier and nicer things for only two pairs of eyes only. :3

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - October 9th, 2008

Thanks for the all-over hives you decided to bestow upon me for completing 9 1/2 days of my antibiotic run.

Thanks. I look like an utter freak. And I have to work tomorrow.

Fuck you, amoxicillin, and fuck you, body, for being such a useless waste of infection lately.

Also thanks for puffing my lips up.

Here's a picture of my arm. It's even worse on my thighs.

This song makes everything all better. I can't stop listening to it, or thinking about it. It's so. fucking. good.

/* */

Thanks, amoxicillin