Thursday and Friday look to be horrifically raining, which is awesome because I know I'll get some sexcellent sleep. :D Yay for days off.
And I did an actual painting of a mermaid, I'll try and get my dad to scan it at some point.
Also getting more frustrated with work--my boss left the cordless phone outside overnight in the rain and I freaked out and I might have cried because my mum came in wondering why I didn't do my morning call to make sure I got up to work ok. Among other things...
I'm feeling ok today.
Edit: Except for the fact that I started bawling watching the end of an episode of Doctor Who. bawwwwww. MUST NOT CRY AGAIN.
Edit Part Deux: I OVERSLEPT AND WAS LATE! Oops! Two extra hours of sleep was awesome, although the heart-pounding OHSHIT I HOPE MY BOSS ISN'T COMING IN EARLY and ohshitneedtogeteverythingready scariness passed. :D
Remember the immortal words of Monty Python:
Always look on the bright side of life.
I've been feeling better since I've been taking more naps. I'm also feeling a lot better about driving and everything.