
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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You don't look bad hon, honest.

You'll be all better soon too, I promise.


I look absolutely horrible.

You think you look bad? I look like I've caught the Bubonic Plague.

I've posted a picture. Take a peek.

Jade, this is unrelated, but what does it feel like to ban someone, or lock a thread?

Like cumming three times in a row.

OH NO!!!!!!!

Just an allergic reaction???? wow

Just an allergic reaction. I should get a medic alert bracelet just in case. ughhh.

its ok everyone still thinks you are an amazing badass.

Looks more like you were getting freaky with your arm, and regretted it the next morning, if ya know what I mean...

then I was getting freaky with my whole body, and am now regretting it. :(

It wasn't so bad yesterday. :(

That really sucks. It's not on you face, is it? If it's only on your arms and legs, just wear a sweatshirt and pants.

It's all over. My lips are swollen, and it's creeping up my neck and the back of my hands. It's not so easy to cover my arms up since I get really hot at work and require rolling my sleeves up.

Holy shit. I never had a reaction like that and the only time that I got the hives I caught them before they got bad, but they still itched like hell. If these itch then I really feel bad for you because mine itched to the point where they hurt.

I'm slightly itchy, but I'm not scratching. It's taking some willpower.

I just don't want to work tomorrow. I felt like enough of a freak on Wednesday when I worked when these showed up.

No you don't :(

Can't you just take a day off from work? That looks really bad.

I took most of last week off when I was on the medication that caused this whole mess. I don't think my boss would appreciate me being off again.

holy shit jade... take some benadryl or something, that does not look healthy at all..
i hope you get better...

also, dont drink alcohol fo rnow

I went to the doctor today to see if I needed to do something/get on a prescription. Nope, nope. Just wear loosefitting lightweight clothes, get some calamine lotion/tepid showers/moisturize.

Loosefitting clothing gets mayo on the sleeves, having any lotion on me bugs me because I'm not supposed to wipe it off, and I can't take more than 1 antihistamine pill because I immediately get drowsy.

I mean, I took a nap yesterday afternoon after taking two, then a few hours later, got tired again, took a "nap"--that turned into bedtime, so I was asleep for most of my day yesterday.

This fucking sucks.

you should still take some benadryl, its an OTC medicine... it would help with the rash and itching... also, you might want to look into Echinacea & GoldenSeal... they are "natural" stuff.. also take a shit load of vitamin C... like 3-5k MGs

I'm taking an antihistamine right now. I just can't do two pills at a time or else I'm knocked out faster than being punched to a KO by a really angry boxer.

I might look into the natural stuff, but I'm against using topical stuff because I don't really like lotions/creams.

and ughhh, I dun wanna spend more on medicine than I have.

heh, could be worse, you could get bloated and the hives could start itching.....

Or is it?

My arms are a bit itchy. As for the bloated, I dunno.

Ok let me be a more serious. Would you mind if I fap to that pic? Permit me pls.

Don't worry, Sweetie. It's only temporary. You'll be better soon.



But it itches so bad. :(

What's your MSN you buster. I want to discuss some japanese aneemays.


Don't Wory About It :3

Everyhting will be alright it'll go away i promise :]

I had to take ntibitoics for my sore throat... i swear to god i thought i was gonna die x_x.

But hey, Evertyhting's Cool :3


i see how it is.

Amoxicillin is wannabe penicillin. >:O

This is one great example of pure BAD LUCK (infection actually, an accident is rather bad luck, but whatever). I must tell, that looks kinda fucked up. I hope you get better soon. ;-)


PS: You haven't read this nor you know who I am!

It is just a case of it not being my healthiest year.

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