
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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JadeTheAssassin's News

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - May 6th, 2011

Here's a "hypothetical" situation I'd like to get your opinions on:

You are Spanish. You live and work in Spain. You were hired a few years ago by your boss, who is an immigrant to Spain from Thailand. Now, your boss speaks limited Spanish, but he can understand you most of the time.

Now, when you were first hired, you worked with a bunch of Spanish people. Then slowly, a lot of them quit, some new ones came, but they quit as well.

You're still here, after a few years, with your friend, who's Spanish and worked with you since you first got hired. Your boss starts hiring a lot of Thai people, who speak EXTREMELY limited Spanish. So now you and your friend are the only fluent Spanish speakers. You pretty much are separated from your friend, and you work alongside a lot of the Thai coworkers.

Now, since you have a bunch of Thai coworkers, they speak a lot of Thai. Only Thai. In front of the customers, in front of you, in front of your coworker. You pretty much get ignored while they are talking. So you feel like you're becoming the spine in the very flabby, weak body that is your job. You pretty much have to come save the day whenever your coworkers are over their head.

You are also talked down to on a more than occasional basis by your boss' cousin, who he hired two years after you were hired.

You're also feeling very left out, and you're beginning to wonder if they're talking about you while you're standing less than 4 feet away from them. As well, you're wondering if one of your coworkers (who appears to have seniority over you) is trying to undermine you, or really dislikes you.

Now, once in a while, you get a Thai customer! Lord almighty! So, seeing as you're pretty much at the front, you go up to them as they enter your work.

One of your coworkers comes up to you, says "I got this, they're Thai!" and pretty much shoos you off. The customers don't even acknowledge you as you try to ring them through.

You've had one customer, who's been going to your store for 15 years, says that without you and your friend, the customer wouldn't bother coming back in. Even though both the customer's children have worked there in the past, one of them being pretty much put on a pedestal.

Would you consider this whole scenario discriminatory and/or racist?

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 27th, 2011

yeah, a PSEUDO-boss, yeah, I said it.

A fake boss.

She's my boss' business partner, therefore, she is above me and may have the ability to fire me.

She's been around for about 3 months, and it's like she was hired last week. She has NO concept of priorities. Her mind is like a sieve, it feels like.

She can't top a drink off with whipped cream, so I'll be in the middle of making/waiting on a few sandwiches, and she'll call me over to put whipped cream on a drink. Instead of trying to do it herself.

And there's a huge line.

And so I'm wondering how long it'll take for me to either start going prematurely grey, or if I'm going to snap and start swearing and slamming shit around--oh wait, I already do that whenever I work with her.

And now we're hiring again.

my pseudo-boss sucks

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 8th, 2011

I saw the cutest, most polite 3 year old at work today.

He wiped his feet on the mat when he came in with his grandma, wiped his hands on napkins, and said please and thank you to everything without prompting.

He also came up to me and was asking for ice cream.

I wanted to snuggle him to bits because he was so fucking adorable.

I hope he comes in soon. That was the bright point to my work day.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 4th, 2011

I can, by this time tomorrow, be able to spoil the season 3 finale of Nurse Jackie.




Posted by JadeTheAssassin - March 10th, 2011

I get to have a procedure done (2 years waiting, pretty much SIGH THANKS DOCTOR) where I finally get my abscess removed.

It's above my butt.

They freeze my butt.

Then they slice into the area around my tailbone and get rid of that shit.


thank goodness for two days off of work prior to knowing that I needed the surgery done.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - February 10th, 2011

that this too will pass.

maybe things will get back to normal.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - January 21st, 2011

greyhound buses were ripe with wtf on my way down from denver.

such as an old guy getting on (even though he had an empty booze bottle on) and apparently groping some young girls/bugging them and stealing their grandma's wallet, thereby getting cops on at the next stop and delaying my bus for an hour and a half.

then at salt lake city, there were cops aplenty. there was this black lady who had a big bottle of jack daniels with her and she left the station. there was also this girl who looked like a hooker on there (even though she had sweats, she had this sparkly lowcut tank top on. IN THE WINTER. wtf) and the popo was talking to her a lot.

then when we got to ogden, oregon, there was a guy on the bus who was apparently exposing himself on the bus, and was playing with himself in the bus depot prior to getting on. so he got off the bus and promptly got in the cop car, while about 4-5 other cop cars came by and were shooting the shit with another officer and looked through his shit.

and then a bus driver prior to ogden wouldn't let these two people on the bus because they didn't have an ADA number so their therapy dog couldn't get onto the bus, thereby leaving them in the cold. he was a bit of a dick--he complained the dog barked at him, but the dog looked like he could have been on painkillers since he was so placid and quiet. :/

tl;dr: lots of cops and weird people go on the greyhound, for many lulz.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 26th, 2010

time to talk magic the gathering.

win game!


Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 25th, 2010

and a happy new spleer.

sup guys

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 7th, 2010


i guess we'll have to see how the avalanches and nuggets go. :/

omg i'm into sports now