Where do you work?
Age 36, Female
Mrs. DevourerJay
Joined on 4/5/04
Where do you work?
A coffee shop.
Look at you, hitting on 3 year olds, get a hold of yourself, man.
I'm not. He comes up to me.
This blog might as well have just been full of 'tick tock tick tock'.
Because all I can hear is your biological clock! D:
nnnnnnnnoooooooo >_> i don't know what you're talking about
damnit leanne why do you have to know me so well?
Because Jade there comes a point in a young womans life, when she is of the right age and with the right partner, that suddenly childen look all that more cuter and lovely :(
Thanksfully I've managed to so far surpress my biological urges to kidnap children and dress them up as pirates and princess but I feel it's too late for you.
I hope Jay knows what he's getting himself into! D;
Also my last comment rhymed and I didn't realise it so I want to do another rhyme now.
Oh Jade your clock is ticking
So Jay needs a good kicking
He's got to get you up the duff
The sex can be soft, loving or rough
Just as long as its a good dicking
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH most excellent rhyme.
He does know what he's getting into, and I'm so dressing our kids up. :D
@ Gagsy...
I want another! so we're set... w00t
also hai...
^______________________^ *rubs my tummy*
jade.. you gotta give that kid a free scoop of ice cream.. :D
we don't have ice cream scoops D: otherwise i so would have
Relevant to cuteness of this post:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNS6SUe-kGc">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNS6SU e-kGc</a>
jade i am dissappoint. ah well... you shoulda gave him a cookie instead
Ah yeah . . . Little children are MUCH cuter when they're not your own. Trust me, I'm an uncle. I speak from experience. Don't be poking holes in those condems.
I have a cute little brother. Adorable and barely used. I could give him to you for a modest finder's fee.
(He is potty trained, and he has no allergies.)
I'd like to work at a coffee shop.
Except I hate coffee. A lot.
There are other things than coffee at a coffee shop!
Like smoothies! And.... uhhh... sandwiches! And uhhh...
I wore my NG shirt today, yay
If I ever went into a coffee shop and saw a girl wearing an NG shirt, I'd think it was lovely and go there more often.
You work on 4/20, yeah? And it's a coffee shop too. So how about you do this, yeah? Try to count all of the people who come in who are visibly stoned.
I wear my vidya gaem shirts too!
And yes, and I'll try my best. Probably the people who snap up a bunch of sandwiches and wraps. XD
Or just people who seem generally off.
I remember going into a donut shop with my friends once, COMPLETELY destroyed.
I ordered the donuts, made so many mistakes when ordering too.
"That one. Nonononononono, not that one....Actually wait yeah that one."
And then when I had the donuts I went to take them.
"Alright yeah thanks."
"Wait, sir, you didn't pay."
"Oh! My mistake. Where did I put that money. Where...Dude you have to money? No...Hold on a second."
"Sir, it's in your hand."
"Oh...So it is..."
Yeah, interacting with not high people when you're high is usually fun, if not a bit nerve wrecking.
You should hit up one of your stoner friends, I know you have some, after work and smoke a bit.
it's be after 420 when i get off work.
and lol we already seem to have a few people like that already.
maybe i should hit up that mmj card guy and see if he can.. loan me something... >_>
for my joint pain
That's the right idea!
Also, those people are most likely high.
rofl :D
Tap 8 lands, sacrifice 6 spawn tokens, summon Emrakul, attack... next turn, tap 11, summon Ulamog, attack with Emrakul and everything else..
then i decide to steal your eldrazi, poop on them, and then set them aflame :D
I hear Gagsys an awesome name
teehee :3
What's this I hear?
Someone's biological clock ticking like crazy?
i dunno what you're talking about >_>
it's happening to you too don't deny it
I was that 3 year old kid.
You better be fucking happy.
Sounds like Justin Bieber to me.