
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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JadeTheAssassin's News

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 17th, 2008

Yeah, I swear I saw something like this on my way to work this morning (very early, so I don't think I was fully awake). Except he had blonde hair, kind of like Leon's from RE4.


Another drawing

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 12th, 2008

Just felt like it.


"hi-res" version.

Edit: At the current rate of bob-increase, my rack could be as big as Jessica Rabbit's by next year. :D

Yay drawing

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 11th, 2008

Ever since I got back to Vancouver, I haven't been able to get to sleep any earlier than 11. Which means that when I am opening for work (which is early, mind you), I am absolutely tired, but I still can't go to bed early (maybe if I, you know... did stuff that made my toes curl, during the afternoon...).

Also, the fact that I'm not used to standing for 6 hours straight is absolute agony. My legs have been sore for the last two days. I could barely walk properly yesterday or today, and I had to sit down during work because my ankles were about to give out. So I got to de-stem spinach for 20 minutes while sitting on my ass doing jack-shit. :D

It's not my shoes (well, except for my new pair of ballet flats, which made my heel bleed like, 15 minutes after being in them and walking to the bus stop), and I highly doubt that it's the way I'm standing.

I don't know. I'm supposed to be taking it easy, but my abdomen is starting to feel strained, my legs and sometimes my hips are in agony from work, I'm not sleeping well or enough to get over my mono, and I think I'm getting the cold that my parents have.

So tempted to go and rest up more, but I need the money to pay my dad back...

gahhh. Whine whine whine.

Oh yeah, I also did the hair for this ink drawing by The-Swain, but I don't think he noticed it in his thread. I love doing hair, so fun. :)

Stupid legs

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 9th, 2008


Being up to be at work by 06:30 sucksssssss. Oh well, free coffee. No complaints.

and new snuggly clothes are all snuggly and hopefully warm. :D

Oh yeah, need to be up for the next two days to get to work by 05:45. -_-;;

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 3rd, 2008

These are the things I have accomplished between leaving Vancouver and getting back here within a two month period:

--felt comfortable enough to go to a shop (like, not very far, but stilllll) by myself (big accomplishment)
--felt comfortable enough to play some Resident Evil (I get too freaked out while playing fps games where things come out of nowhere)
--did actual housework (dishes, picking up things to put away, cleaned the kitchen, picked up groceries, laundry) with no qualms (I's a good housewife)
--did SOME cooking (I am still scared to use gas stoves...)
--felt comfortable to talk to Fyndir's mum while drinking wine
--did some more clay pigeon shooting (did the shittiest out of the lot of people who had more practice than I, except for one, who had as much shooting practice as I did, but still shot one more than I did)
--learned how to cast and reel (first time basically fishing)
--did some form of walking
--took lots of photos
--first time having to stay overnight at a hospital with an IV
--ate lots more fruit than I normally would, as well as drank as much water in the span of two weeks than i have in a year
--felt like I lost weight since I got sick and couldn't eat more than the amount of a small meal or drink anything but water for two weeks or so
--managed to burn my upper lip while doing flaming sambuka shots (the glass was still blistering hot when I took one out of 6 shots)
--even though I didn't drink a lot of coffee, I didn't go through caffeine withdrawl. HUZZAH
--watched more (quality) TV than I have in ages
--watched Shrek The Third so many times that I can start reciting lines as they come by.
--managing to be out of any house/tent/teepee (I have slept in one, but that's another story for another day)/cabin/flat for more than 24 hours
--gathering up a hate for Air Canada and Pearson Airport
--beating Dragonforce on Medium
--had the best time of my life

I think that's about it, but still. I felt like I did a lot.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 3rd, 2008

Worst set of flights ever. Took me more than 24 hours to get from Glasgow to Vancouver.

Never again will I travel through Toronto Pearson.

Curse you. Curse.

And I miss Fyndir. :(

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - March 24th, 2008

Just came back from the hospital after two days/two nights of barfing, inability to swallow anything, and basically being hooked up to an IV.

Means I can't work for a bit when I get home to Vancouver. LOL. Oh well.

NHS rocks. Better than Canada by far.

Oh yes, it wasn't strep throat or tonsillitis or a cold--it's glandular fever. WOOHOO.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - March 22nd, 2008

I think I got either strep throat or tonsillitis. Have had it for several days. Haven't eaten much since it's painful to swallow for most of the time (2 advil and some Halls do wonders, no pain atm, just sweating like a mule).

Not a very happy camper.

At least I got Fyndir being my hero by fetching me things and giving me hugs.

Thanks, love.

Can I get sympathy kthx

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - March 12th, 2008

Will have somewhat normal internet access by Monday at the latest.

Not coming home to Canada until April.


People worrying about me.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - February 27th, 2008

Fyndir and I have come up with possibly one of the best drinking games ever.

You'll need the following:

One sober person
A lot of alcohol (doesn't matter what kind, just as long as you don't mind drinking lots of it)
Access to shows through On Demand/Tivo/DVD, as long as it can be rewound so you can catch the tidbits, and have a lot of shows to watch
Shows acceptable to this game: The F-Word, Kitchen Nightmares, Jamie at Home
One person willing to get absolutely plastered by the end of one episode

Person willing to get drunk will take a shot/gulp (if you're drinking beer/cider) when the following words have been spoken by the respected hosts:

Fuck (if said by Gordon Ramsay)
Olive oil (if said by Jamie Oliver)

Guaranteed lulz if you can manage to get a shot in if Jamie says "big oil", or just "oil".

We rock.