
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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all very good indeeeed, i like the dragonforce on medium part!
i can only do it up to hard! :(
i am stuck on raining blood by slayer on guitar hero 3
and thats alot of accomplishments btw! ;)

Some observations.....

Must admit, sounds like Fyndir is training you very well to be his future Housewife.

Scared to use a gas stove? Just remember, if you don't smell gas; it's probably safe to turn on the stove. If you turn it on, and it doesn't fire up right away; just turn it off and be ready with a lit match to light it manually. No need to fear, Sweetie. You're not going to blow yourself up.

The key to proper clay shooting is to keep both eyes open. But if you're cross-dominant, that could explain why your shooting was less than ideal. (Cross-dominant means that your dominant eye is on the opposite side of your body from your dominant hand. Dominant hand = the one you use to write with. Dominant eye = Pick up a camera and instantly look through it. Notice which eye you are using to look through the camera? That's your dominant one). Being cross-domiant messes up your depth-perception when shooting clays. 18% of the world's population is cross-dominant..... including me.

Fyndir let you out of the house, by yourself?? He must have been passed out drunk! :P

Also, try not to hurt or burn yourself while drinking. That not be good.

Got lots of photos? We have a forum where you can post them at. :D

I did all (most) of the housework to earn my keep and for eating food and such. And plus, I wanted to do it. :)

I'm just utterly paranoid about turning the stove on and getting the pilot light to start it up, and exploding the entire flat to smithereens.

For the shooting, at the beginning, I couldn't stop my head from leaving the gun while I was trying to stay on target, and I wasn't bending at the waist, just lifting my arms, which I was informed was bad technique. I'm doubtful I'm cross-dominant, though.

And he never got drunk. Tired and exhausted from me bothering him to get up after 5 hours of sleep because he couldn't fall asleep while I was slumbering for 10-12 hours. I'm mean like that.

I do have photos, unfortunately, the ones of me are utter shite, although I did demand pictures to be taken of me in my ER bed while I waited to be transferred to another hospital to their ENT unit (via ambulance, WEE). So I highly doubt I'll be posting pictures, unless you just want to see pretty pictures of trees and doggies and Fyndir. :D

Yup, you need to bend over a bit, any time you use a shotgun.

It's okay, Sweetie.... We all know Fyndir likes it when you treat him like $#^%. ;)

I'm bored, so yeah; I'll be happy to look at pics of Fyndir..... Just keep the nude pics for yourself though KTHNX.

I need to upload them through my dad's computer, I think, so there's no chance I can do it today. And I dunno if Fyndir wants to be seen, but that's up to him. :)

And I wish I had gotten nudes. :)

Can you delete that thread you locked that I made?


It sounds like you did a lot! Glad you had an awesome time, and even better that you're now back! Well for us, I imagine Fyndir is none to thrilled about it! =P

We kind of did a lot.

I'm not too thrilled that I'm away from Mr. Fyndir.

Keep it up. Next step is to put on a french maid costume.
Seriously though, I can relate to the IV thing, they are naaaasty and the the needle is really long : ( Congrats on actually falling asleep.
You's a champion.




What do you mean by Quality TV, HI-DEF or good show?

Very good shows.

I'm sure Fyndir won't mind sending you as many nude pics of himself as you want.

Also...... Most of us on NG already know what he looks like. I'm sure I've still got that pic of him, shirtless, striking a pose; somewhere.


You're dirty, Mono.

It seems like you did a lot. I hope it was awesome.

It was. :)

Totally worth being away from home for two months.

I want pics! I don't care what of!


but maybe I'll post some once I get around to uploading them.


Just a bit. But I can't compete with Fyndir. :P

But I'm the dirtiest of them all. :D



I know where you live >:(


Oh I know! I know...... I know you taught Fyndir everything he knows.

But you're cute & cuddly, so it's okay. ^_^

teehee. :D

Glad you had fun at the airport how long where the lines?

Who said I had FUN at the airports?

And I didn't wait long to go through security, it was just plane delays.

I'm not gonna read the great wall of fucking China. Nice try, nubstick.


Clean your inbox, I can't message you.

I'll behave from now on, after that thread about me being a girl I have no need to laugh ever again. I'll see you around the BBS.

It's got room now, PM away.

Good for you.

you forgot ban every noob :) its a complement

I was barely modding when I was away.

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