
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Stupid legs

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - April 11th, 2008

Ever since I got back to Vancouver, I haven't been able to get to sleep any earlier than 11. Which means that when I am opening for work (which is early, mind you), I am absolutely tired, but I still can't go to bed early (maybe if I, you know... did stuff that made my toes curl, during the afternoon...).

Also, the fact that I'm not used to standing for 6 hours straight is absolute agony. My legs have been sore for the last two days. I could barely walk properly yesterday or today, and I had to sit down during work because my ankles were about to give out. So I got to de-stem spinach for 20 minutes while sitting on my ass doing jack-shit. :D

It's not my shoes (well, except for my new pair of ballet flats, which made my heel bleed like, 15 minutes after being in them and walking to the bus stop), and I highly doubt that it's the way I'm standing.

I don't know. I'm supposed to be taking it easy, but my abdomen is starting to feel strained, my legs and sometimes my hips are in agony from work, I'm not sleeping well or enough to get over my mono, and I think I'm getting the cold that my parents have.

So tempted to go and rest up more, but I need the money to pay my dad back...

gahhh. Whine whine whine.

Oh yeah, I also did the hair for this ink drawing by The-Swain, but I don't think he noticed it in his thread. I love doing hair, so fun. :)

Stupid legs


Yay Hair! who doesnt love hair!! ....unless it gets all in your mouth

I know. My bangs can get in my mouf. :(

Wow! That's actually great hair. Nice job, Sweetie.

Sorry to hear about everything that you're going through. Does your job allow you to wear sneakers? A comfy pair of those could help.


I don't think it's the shoes, to be honest. I wore them before I left, and had NO problem whatsoever with discomfort, even though I worked more hours then.

I do wear skate shoes, though. :)

I got some foot insoles that provide more arch support (mostly because I don't have any arches to speak of)

I also work at a retail shop (sorta) and the floors in there are all concrete and my legs and back were killing me from walking and standing around there all day. I say, find a nice comfy pair of shoes, put some of those insoles into them (like those gellin ones, i dont remember the company) but it made a world of difference for me last year, and I wear work boots all day long.

I'll try and look into getting some insoles, but as I said above, I never had a problem with the shoes I usually wear to work. I think it's just me being weak and not used to standing around for hours, since I basically just sat on my ass for a good amount of time when I visited Fyndir.

And it's Dr. Scholl's. :P

A woman who brings home the bacon and cooks it too, that's what we like to hear.

Yeah, I'm pretty damn awesome.

Just use a lot of Epsom salt and Hot/Cold pads. Seriously, I have swimming class and we have to take laps around the pool everyday, which hurt my muscles a lot.

My grandmother advised me to put my legs up, which helped a bit. I don't have any hot/cold pads besides heating pads, but I don't think I have any room in the outlets for two.

Oh well.

Try taking an aleve. You might have gotten RLS.

I don't think that's it. I'm not losing sleep over it.

Ring ring ring ring ring.... try sleeping pills? (pop ddop adoop adoop)
sleeping problems eh? (omg im so canadian XD!) well... all i can recommend is? (guessing you have some time off at some point)
if you get a whole weekend of free time i recommend not sleeping for 24 hours and then the next day go to sleep at the time you actually wanna go to sleep... get lots of coffee to help XD!
As for your leg troubles? hmmm... maybe some kinda of massage or? hot tub or something, anything that could possibly relieve your nerves :O but to be honest, i think alot of people have troubles standing on there feet for 6 hours XD lol
But not me (brag brag brag) :P

Anyways, nice hair! it actually looks really realistic, as if its been copyed and pasted XD it Even Shines!

All the maple syrup eh? XD
hope you get better anyways =]

I don't think sleeping pills would help.

I don't get weekends off for some reason, but I do get two days off a week (I'm sure, I'm really hoping I do), and I do want some sleep, so I'm not staying up for 24 hours. :P

A massage would be lovely, sitting in a hottub would be heavenly, but I don't have access or the resources for it.

I've only had this kind of problem when I started working as a cashier, like, 3-4 years ago. And I was rarely sitting down.

And thank you for the comment. :)

well ok... you cant get a massage... or access to a hot tub? O__o how about a swimming pool lmao the idea being... you tire yourself out on one of your free days off and you also dont (or shouldnt) injure your legs even further :D!
Oh and sleeping piulls would help! suppose if your low on cash you could always get your drink spiked? but you know... theres the problem of waking up somewhere you dont know and etc... you get the picture
if you go to your local doctors and tell them the problem they would surely prescribe some sleeping pills?

And only having a problem for 3 - 4 years... play it down like its no biggie... but it is, you could be doing damage to your legs
Maybe taking up jogging and strengthening (spelt correct? :S) your legs or something would help

and np for comment, i only came across you while browseing the forums and i was wondering WTF THERE NAME IS GREEN (on the whos online thingy)

I'm honestly too tired to go out after work.

And the problem with me not sleeping until later is that I'm used to being up late and having to get up early, that mixing with the fact that I'm fatigued still from the mono, and possibly leftover jetlag, and i really don't want to be on any medication right now.

The soreness from standing was just when I was starting as a cashier, not as an ongoing problem. I walk home from work, well, I did walk home from work, which is a half-hour walk home, but I'm still supposed to take it easy for a month or so so I don't rupture my spleen. :D

Aleve will still do wonders for your legs

I rather not--looking at all the possible side effects and warnings about gastrointestinal problems makes me think it's the wrong thing to take.

If I wanted pain relief, I'll take a few advil or something.

i can see this being its own forum.. topic 'my sleeping troubles and leg aches' :)

lol, ok personally :p i think your just being awkward... lmao ;p
come when you get a holiday you should be able to get into the sleeping pattern that you want... OMG i have it
Ask someone to drop a rock on your head when you want to sleep and hopefully your ko'd and wake up when you wanna? or...
try taking naps after work and stuff, like for an hour... then go to bed at 11 anyways, hopefully you should be refreshed as youve slept longer than you normally have done within 24 hours : )
(and dont you dare come up with an excuse >__> lols)



And naps and me don't get along.

Messing up your sleep schedule is a very dangerous thing, I hope you get back on track soon for your sake!

I know.

I did sleep well last night for the.. 4-5 hours I slept? :)

Holy shit me too! Ain't mild insomnia lovely? Lmao...

im not one for advice on sleeping though if the truth is told... keep off the coffee or tea... (for me its tea being english :P idk about canadians)
but a little tip... if you watch t.v. in bed, thats another reason you cant sleep :P it doesnt help at all, it keeps you awake XD
now im gonna sound gay... =[ but try going to bed at like 9 and reading a book in bed, either you'll get bored and go to sleep anyways, or it'll make you tired from constantly using your eyes and brain XD

I don't think it's mild insomnia, though. :P

And I can't NOT have coffee. :(

And i don't have a TV in bed, and I always read before I go to sleep. It doesn't help.

like i said your awkward Lol
i cant believe the reading doesnt help :O thats so Omg.... :O
well instead of drinking coffee near the time you go to bed drink something that would help you go to sleep... e.g. wamr milk? hot choccy? cocoa? anything like that

id call it a mild form of insomnia... since you want to sleep at a certain yet your unable too :p

on a random note... when drawing ^^ (the girl / woman with red hair) did you do that from scratch? or is it a picture youve copied but made the hair your own?

lol I know.

No coffee's made in the house after 9, basically. I'm not affected by caffeine in coffee as much as I used to.

The-Swain did the drawing. I just coloured in the hair.

Drink that crazy camomile or how ever its spelled tea or w/e, i heard it works really well.

I don't like the taste of camomile.

You should have grabbed his cock.

Lawl, it's applicable.

Oh, by the way, is that you in the dp? Same color hair and eyes as mine. =p


I don't have green eyes, nor is my sunbleached blonde hair above my shoulders. :P

Rest dear, it's hard after lots of flights, I was recently back from Europe twice, so I know the body clock is weak, the heart is weak and all sorts. Do take care, rest and get lots of fresh air if possible. Also fruit and 100% juices.

I need the money, so I need to work. I owe my dad money for rent and for actually buying the ticket.

I've been eating fruit, and have been drinking juice.. >_>

*hangs head in shame*


Standing up is the worst thing for your back and feet. Walking will do less damage than standing still. Dont ask me why.

Yes, I know it's bad.

I can't exactly go for a walk in the middle of my shift.

Jade, <3

Seven, <3

you frighten me

lol why