
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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JadeTheAssassin's News

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - January 5th, 2008

Just to cheer you up.


For Mendou

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - January 1st, 2008

I collect/collected a lot of things--stickers, porcelain animals, dolls, books (especially Stephen King), figures of the action variety, movies, and stuffed animals, to name a few.

My most expensive collection (rivaling that of my extensive lingerie collection (which, mind you, is probably in the hundreds of dollars, nearing the thousand @_@)), is that of my manga.

I have been buying a lot in the last few days (mainly because I shouldn't, but I do anyways, and because there's been a sale on them ^-^).

So I decided to catalogue them tonight (to also show Mendou), so in total, not including 4-5 How to Draw Manga manuals (just for reference), I give you guys my collection:

--Octopus Girl (1-3)
--Lament of the Lamb (1-3)
--Nana (1-4)
--Mouryou-Kiden (1-3)
--One (1-9)
--Bizenghast (1-3)
--Chobits (1-8)
--The Wanderer (1)
--Tokyo Mew Mew (1)
--Rebirth (1-20)
--Paradise Kiss (1-2)
--Maison Ikkoku (1)
--Ray (1-2)
--Princess Ai (1-3)
--Hellsing (1-4)
--Fushigi Yugi (1-2)
--DearS (1-3)
--Soul to Seoul (1-5)
--Uzumaki (1)

I am missing one from the collection, I cannot remember its title, but it's just so pornographic and weird... not as weird as Octopus Girl, mind you.

But yeah. Must be reaching a thousand dollars at this mark, given that each one costs, on average, $12, so that times 79 (I still can't believe how many that is), gives me a nice number of....

$936, approximately.

It may not be much to those who have a truly extensive collection, but this is still quite a bit. :)

enough to buy a plane ticket... :(

But anyways, yeah.

Collection, more pictures later.

My collection

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 29th, 2007

It scared me more than the first one. :( I'm not easily scared by movies, but this one takes the cake.

Need moar hugs.

Also: doctor's office called, telling my dad that they got my test results back, and I should be put on antibiotics. Lol, silly slow doctors! I went to the ER a week ago! I'm done the antibiotics they so nicely prescribed me!

Thanks a lot, assholes.

*hides in bed*

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 23rd, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone.

And for those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Channukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Winter Solstice, and so on and so forth.


Season's Greetings

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 21st, 2007

Why didn't the doctor put me on antibiotics anyway?

Hugs needed for the Hug Monster.

ETA: Went to horsepital, saw doctor. Doctor was good (and British, he proclaimed he didn't like Little Britain), gave me prescriptions. That man is a genius.

Boss let me have a day off.

All is well.

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 15th, 2007

If you had cared to notice, I've been away from NG for the last few days. Not by choice, but because I was able to log in, but not be able to post, answer PMs, write in the blog, or do basically anything. This aggravated me greatly.

So it took me at LEAST three days to figure out that IE is getting the boot, and FF has come back onto my computer.

So bienvenue, Firefox. :)

And I'm blonde now.

No More IE >:(

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 11th, 2007

Her blonde hair was plastered to her face. I hovered over her, a playful smile on my lips. I ran my hand over her creamy skin, all the while gazing at her delicately-closed eyes, her mouth slightly open, seducing me.

I ran my hand down her neck, my fingers tracing down where her carotid pumps valuable blood into her brain, along the gentle line of her jaw. I got to her shirt--a slightly tattered windbreaker, and played with the zipper, waiting for the moment.

I slowly unzipped her, freeing her skin from the bonds of cloth. Her nipples were taut, I knew they were aching to be touched, her breasts underneath my gentle, warm palm. I looked over her, examining her exposed tummy, her navel an empty pool.

I was supposed to save her, breathe live into her. Instead of leaning down to kiss her, I had to put a pocket mask over her mouth, giving her my breath of life in exchange to see her beautiful peach-toned chest rise and fall.

Failing to prompt her own breathing, I placed my hands over her left breast, the heel of my hand placed above her sternum. Her still-erect nipple was underneath my ring finger of my right hand, and as I began compressing her chest to give her CPR, I felt her soft chest fall and be crushed underneath the force I exerted on her.

All was lost, I couldn't revive her. I zipped up her windbreaker, and awaited further instruction.

Poor Anne. I tried so hard.

I touched someone else's boobies!

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 4th, 2007

Had a weird dream I kept thinking back to.

Involved, I think, school chums and I in this big lecture hall that was outdoors. Something happened there, but we went back to my house, where there were maids and everything.

Years go by, and I come back to my house. Apparently, I hadn't been around a lot. I went to the hallway closet that my mum converted to a desk area (it is real, not made up), and I was fixing something on the clothespole that my mum left up there (I was condensing a piston (or was it called a piston, well, whatever) like I was reapplying new front brake pads for a car... I think I'm getting too muddled up with my job shadow...), but anyways. One of the maids (who was a kindly black woman), had aged, but she was basically the only person in my house. I looked all around, trying to find someone--my parents, my brothers, just a familiar face.

No one remained, but dust had settled in a light film everywhere.

Makes me think that there will be a point where my house (my grandparents built it, my mum grew up in it, and so did me and my brothers) won't be more than splinters of wood and pebbles of concrete in the dirt.


I hate my dreams.

Quick Note: Going to be the proud owner of this in a couple of weeks. My childhood has been redeemed. The whole series plus all the movies.

What to make of this...

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - November 29th, 2007

Hey guys!

Because I'm so totally into the Olympics, man, especially for Vancouver! We have the space, the money, the resources, the manpower, the arenas, and everything's totally under budget! Everyone who's homeless has a home, and there are definitely no traffic problems!

In fact, I'm going to give you guys a chance to guess (without further looking!) a chance to figure out what the mascots are, and how they represent BC and our culture!

Have fun, and remember: Sam Sullivan is not a douchebag in a wheelchair, and the Olympics are definitely not a waste of money that can be better used!

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - November 22nd, 2007


Inate Happiness