
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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What to make of this...

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - December 4th, 2007

Had a weird dream I kept thinking back to.

Involved, I think, school chums and I in this big lecture hall that was outdoors. Something happened there, but we went back to my house, where there were maids and everything.

Years go by, and I come back to my house. Apparently, I hadn't been around a lot. I went to the hallway closet that my mum converted to a desk area (it is real, not made up), and I was fixing something on the clothespole that my mum left up there (I was condensing a piston (or was it called a piston, well, whatever) like I was reapplying new front brake pads for a car... I think I'm getting too muddled up with my job shadow...), but anyways. One of the maids (who was a kindly black woman), had aged, but she was basically the only person in my house. I looked all around, trying to find someone--my parents, my brothers, just a familiar face.

No one remained, but dust had settled in a light film everywhere.

Makes me think that there will be a point where my house (my grandparents built it, my mum grew up in it, and so did me and my brothers) won't be more than splinters of wood and pebbles of concrete in the dirt.


I hate my dreams.

Quick Note: Going to be the proud owner of this in a couple of weeks. My childhood has been redeemed. The whole series plus all the movies.

What to make of this...


My dreams are fucking crazy all night like an action movie.
So I tell jokes all night on Newgrounds.
Do you like a good joke?
Then just view my user page.

My dreams tend to be more exciting than real life. And they seem so real too..... That's the part I hate. :(

My dreams usually don't make sense. Therefore, they make more sense than life does.


I think I've become your follower. Even since you spoke so fondly of Sailor Moon in that thread where you spoke fondly of Sailor bloody Moon, I've had the hugest desire to watch the thing! >=\

I need more followers. Join me.

Thats way too deep for a dream.
I hardly ever remember having a dream.
I'm sure it's impossible to not dream beacuse then you would not properly sleep but then that would explain why I always feel tired.
Congrats on you're purchase.

I've had some deeper dreams, trust me.

Let me ruin it for you. Tuxedo Mask isn't really that guy she knows after all. It's her twin brother that she's been in love with.

Stop lying.

I know how it ends, Paul, you silly, silly man.

Only if we go to exciting places off far away lands.

If you've had deeper dreams then thats just F.U.B.A.R.
Dreams should be happy or nightmarish, not deep and hurtful.

I've had some dreams where my parents have both committed suicide by driving the car into poles or crashing them intentionally.

Both were laughing like maniacs before they died.

Lovely thoughts to have when I was young.

I haven't had a dream since... well, since before my back started to twist. The more you think about things such as the inevitability of "oblivion", the less you focus on the right things. So move on and watch those movies =P


Your Header now seems sadly ironic.


Enjoy your anime about magic and girls in skirts.

Despite my distaste for my home town, I would really enjoy if my father never sells his house and instead gives it to me or one of my siblings, because it's such a nice house and the town really is quite nice to grow up in. A little stifling but still safe and secure. The school is nice. I wouldn't mind raising a family in it or having my nieces and nephews grow up there.

maybe deep down inside, we all have a soft spot for the home we grew up in.

Dream gift, eh? I remember you mentioning how you saw it in a display case at a used CD store.

Poor girl. At least you'll get it now.

Yeah, all that heartache and remorse is absolved.

Ah sailormoon. When I was a kid I thought all the other kids who watched that show were stupid, now i'm a huge anime fan and they say I have no life. Ironic, eh?

Isn't that a bootleg set? :/

As far as I know, it's not.

The DVDs are all wrapped up in plastic, and uh... to be honest, as long as it has all the episodes, I'm more than happy.