Yeah, so me and Fyndir bought GH3 for the Wii, and he's been playing the online version a bit to show off his mad medium skillz to those who decide to face him for the challenge and prestige.
So we were playing tonight, me just being all relaxed and shit, and he beats the fucking game faster than I have, even though I had it prior to coming over here (lulz, fucking Metallica and Slayer can suck my balls). So we got TTFAF, finally, for the lulz.
I beat it on Medium, because I'm a fucking coward, and so we decide that if we get a one-on-one battle mode, we'd test out how hardcore people are to play it, and to amuse ourselves, since we're the king/queen of awesomeness.
So we get online, someone gets online to challenge us for one song. They pick to play Expert, we play on Medium. We get this HORRIFICALLY EVIL SCHEMING FACE!!!!! and decide to be really really really mean and set it to TTFAF for our own personal lulz.
I get handed the guitar, we play for what was about 3 seconds before we vanquished the challenger, amongst hilariously loud 4 am (I think it was around then, my sense of time has been radically eroded and I've drank a lot, lul) giggles as we point and laugh at the fact that I won with a 4-note streak.
And uh, we kept laughing. And laughing. And laughing. And we tried playing TTFAF on expert but we sucked horribly (like, got to 1% past:D:D:D:D).
So yeah, and I may have gotten pretty drunk. Sitting on the floor is comfy.
try it on practice mode on expert. its more fun!
We tried doing it on expert on the slowest setting, but was too hard, still.