I cannot stay warm. At all. I blame work. :D I also blame work for making my hands all cracked and dry and gross. Stupid dishwasher FINALLY came, and so before that, for approximately 3 weeks, I was barehanded washing and grabbing dishes out of bleachy water.
I WANT TO BE WARM. But when I know I'm warm, like in bed, it's too late, and I need to get up. :(
And also.
Can't shake my head cold. I've had it for a week, but I can't get rid of the stuffed nose/sneezing/plugged ears. blehhhhh.
kill mah headculd plx.
I would if I could but I can't so I wont :P
P.S. Hope u feelz betta
Fuck you, if you can't help me. >: (