
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Facebook and My Friends

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - January 21st, 2008

I refuse to get it. Absolutely refuse. I don't care if you can lock your profile or whatever, I will not break down and get one. The shit I hear on the news and on the Net about it completely turns me off.

I rather not have my friends have my name on their pictures or whatever. I don't care if that's their only method of communication amongst each other. I'm always home, so they can just pick up the fucking phone and call me, or go on MSN and talk to me, or go meet me at work. I'm not that hard to talk to, I appreciate a phone call every so often, an email, or someone popping into work.

I can't understand why my friends, who barely used Myspace at all (which I barely use now) are so adamant about Facebook. I mean, I got shit about not having a cell. What's the point if they don't bother calling me in the first place? It's like, "zomg, I don't know where Jade lives, or her home phone number, or where she works! So I'll just give her hell for not having an extra mode of communication, durdurdur". I've never bitched at them for not having AIM, or having Myspace, or a Newgrounds account, or whatever else i have that they don't.


Because I don't fucking want to. Stop asking me. I'll keep saying no. I have my reasons for not wanting a fucking Facebook, so stop trying to guilt trip me into breaking down and doing what you say--I gave up giving a shit about people guilt-tripping me into doing what they want when I stopped saying I'd come in for extra shifts when I worked at the fucking grocery store.

I have better things to do than have yet another password and username rattling around my brain for another place to picturewhore myself and to write blogs that no one reads. Why can't they understand?

I think I pissed my bff off for telling her I still don't care if Facebook isn't just for blogging. lolz.

NewGrounds, I just don't care anymore.

Most of the people I thought were friends don't bother keeping in touch anymore.


This sucks.

Oh well. I got better things coming my way, anyways.

this is so cathartic. I love you, Internet.



I get the same shit constantly. It's also why I parody myspace, with myspace.

You rebel. <3

Hey Sweetie.

Just popping in to say "Hello," and keeping in touch. :)


You're doing like, 10000% better than my rl friends. :D

Well, I have nothing against facebook, because I'm not sure what it is, but I refuse to get a myspace.
Erm, don't be angry =)

Facebook is like Myspace, in that it's a social networking site, but it's mainly aimed towards college/university students.

Which I'm not, so there's no real point in me being there. :/

I have no facebook, and refuse to get one as well.

Viva la revolution.

*high five*

I don't have a Facebook profile and I won't break down and get 1.
It's too overrated >:(

Newgrounds is my virtual life, it's my e-soul
or some passionate shit like dat :P

I admit I never was one for myspace but facebook is quite addicting but with this I might deactivate my account, creepy fucking pedo's. I also watched Hard Candy today, what a terrible movie.


And the CIA and everything. :/

And I saw Hard Candy, I think a year ago. I still cringe at the surgery part. :(

You need more boobs on your profile.
Yes yes yes.

Eh, yeah, same thing with me

My friends are always bugging me about getting a facebook, but seriously, who gives a shit, that stuff is totally boring.

I still don't understand how people manage to stay on myspace for hours upon end.

Yup, looking at pictures is REALLY fun!

I've basically gone to only checking my Myspace once or so a week because it's just gotten boring. :/

haha yeah I agree.

All my friends are pestering me, and someone even made a Todd Mitchell account that wasn't me. It got deleted though, as they didn't even use my e-mail. Me and a girl named liz, who is my brothers friend are two people who haven't turned to the darkside.

Also, I beat cliffs of dover on expert, thought you might care.

Also, you should add me on msn. I'm rarely on but love to chit chat.

Congrats on the CoD expert beat. :D

And PM me your MSN.

that's how i feel about all these sites that are "all the rage". facebook, myspace, xanga, etc.....they are useless. we already have email, IM, and, of course phones and normal mail. then there's the most original form of communication we engage in everyday- directly interacting and talking to someone, face to face. is it really that necessary to have so many ways to keep in touch? in cases of keeping in touch with scattered family and friends, yes, but if you merely seek ways to talk more to your friends that are just a stone's throw away from you, just walk over there and talk. and no, texting to each other while in the same room doesn't count.

I used to have a Xanga, but no one really talked to me on there, anyways. I think I may have been this completely boring person. Don't get me started on the pity parties my friends tried to rustle up for me if they only got 95% while I got an 80% on the same test.

And I don't know. I mean, I live no more than a half-hour walk from any 4 of my bffs, but yet, I only talk to them about maybe, if ever, once a month. Well, my closest gal friend, I talk to maybe once a week.

Eh, different circles. I've cried enough over it.

Don't worry Jade I'm still here.


RE: Your sig.

Kiss songs are not sexy...

You know...

You're not sexy.

PROTIP: Your mum.

Yeah, I have a Facebook, but lately it's been really pissing me off because of that damned Facebook Beacon. I just want to talk to my friends; I don't care if XXX challenged me to a movie quiz, bit me and wants me to join their Vampire Army, or what drug I am. I mostly just have it so I can talk to my friends overseas.

I still think it's better than Myspace though. I absolutely ABHOR Myspace. At least on Facebook I don't get a million friend requests from pornstars everyday.
It also helps that I'm not in high school anymore, though; since I'm in college, I guess I fit into the Facebook mold.

*sigh* Thanks fo saying that, sorry it's so long, but I finally found someone that agrees with me. lol

Lol. I'm not the only one who thinks the way I am, by the sound of things here.

My dad agrees with me, lol. I haven't gotten a porn-star friend request on Myspace since ever, although it'd be loltastic.

Don't worry Jade.
No matter what happens with your real life friends..... You'll always have us.

Hmm, that's odd. I could almost swear I hear faint sobbing sounds coming from the other end of my monitor.

I didn't think I would like facebook, until I actually got one. Myspace was spinning into the shitter faster than Mary Kate Olsen's lunch, and I decided to give it a shot. Turns out, I loved it. It's much more efficient and organized when it comes to contacting people, especially multiple people at once. Organizing events is much easier, profiles aren't covered in glittery bullshit, people's profile's aren't hacked (except for the rare hacked one every so often), and an overall classier environment. I'm so glad I switched from myspace to facebook.

I don't know why I like facebook this much, since I only have an AIM account for the sake of having one in case I desperately need to contact someone immediately, and I rarely if ever use my cell phone (I don't even know my own phone number due to my apathy). But facebook has proven so useful to me that I totally love it, even though the flood of applications on it is very annoying.

I just don't see how someone can have a myspace, and yet refuse to get a facebook. I don't know, I guess I don't understand.

Catharsis good. Good things coming your way good. C-Hawk supports your boycotting.

You don't get invited to parties because you don't have a Facebook???
People are crazy these days.


Apparently I miss out on everybody's big news.

Hey jade, good news!
The MCC, or Madness Combat Crew is up and running!
I owe it all to ya, thanx!

Uh, yay.

suck mah cock plz


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