
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Worst day ever

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - January 9th, 2008

Yesterday was possibly one of the worst days ever.

I went to work, and I wasn't feeling all that great, just thought my stomach was upset and in need of food. So my co-worker and I are just hanging out at work, chilling (seriously, it's cold there), and I'm seriously not feeling good. I complain (because that's what I do :P), and then I go, "oh fuck, excuse me".

My stomach does not like me at times, and decided that the sickly-sweet bagels we have at work, the smell of them decides to make stomach go "urk".

SO I go home early, feeling alright. Kind of regretting leaving work early. So I get home, and I get into my pjs and just lie down on the couch/my dad's chair/the spare bedroom, all the while barfing so much I see green and blue (mmm...).

Couldn't keep anythign down, so I haven't eaten since Monday.

I'm feeling better, though. Tons better. YAY!

In other news, I watched a lot of Star Trek yesterday. :D


star trek? YAY! sorry to here about peucking your guts up. MR SPOCK RULZ11!!

Kirk > Spock, for the most part. I mean, I saw a shirtless Kirk yesterday. Mrow. :D

I wouldn't really classify that as the worst day EVER. Just a bad day.


It was the worst day ever, in a while.

I mean, not being able to eat, feeling offended by the sight of food, being cold and hot at the same time, unable to stay awake or stay asleep, barfing every little while, having nothing left to barf except your bile, and unable to keep anything down.

Sounds like worst day in the history of Earth to me.

Stromach problems are the worse, mine is messed up normally. If people see me limping in the hallway, it's not because of my legs. Good to see you are feeling better though.

They are. If something's wrong with my stomach/torso area, I'm basically rendered useless.

Remember the time you barfed on my dick?

Tough times.

Proteins and liquids dear, proteins and liquids.

Sorry your past couple of days was shitty. <3

It took me till about 9 last night to finally be able to drink some water without throwing it up. With the addition of Pepto Bismol.


Aww, I am going through medical troubles as well.


In the mean time, I know what will cheer you up. Fishy of course
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/419509">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /419509</a>
Its the new craze they say.

I'm sorry, thats shameless advertising in your blog.

Get well soon!


It's ok. <3

And you too, yodd.

Well, sounds like whatever you had got out of your system.
Gah, I've been there before.

I think it's still lingering a bit, but it's definitely better. Need to seriously rehydrate myself, though.

It sucks, don't it?

Glad to hear you're felling better, Sweetie. :)

Who took care of you will you were ill?

At least your days are likely to get better.

Much <3

Thank you. :)

My mum and my bro did, which was nice. ^-^


And they will get better, I promise you that.

thats sucked.

Glad to see your feeling better!! ( i'm nice to everyone , it's not because your a mod)

and your a moderator how.....

(im bored so i have come to ask this question... also im banned for like another 15 days....)(cuz i posted a picture with the "N" word... they could have said no pictures as well..... bastards..)

And you're still breathing, why?

If your boredom dictates that you ask stupid questions, then you need to consider doing something worthwhile of your time, and possibly constructive off the computer.

Oh yeah, and "you're".

I woke up in my own puke yesterday. I had the worst morning ever :S
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/842932">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/8 42932</a>

At least it was alcohol induced... Means I recover slightly quicker.

That sucks.

Aww that sounds really fucking sucky. Stick to more tv shows, they're the best medicine possible! =]

Of course that requires pyjamas and a blanket, to completely get cosy!

I wanna go sleep, I haven't been able to eat a big meal or how much I usually eat, so I don't think I'm over that hurdle yet. This sucks.

well look at the bright side! you got home from work early.

Still sucks bad, though.

Well Im glad you are feeling better.
