
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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My dad doesn't approve of trolling

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - May 3rd, 2009


He also doesn't approve of me and my brothers laughing at people getting hurt on Youtube, or that I spend lots of time on here, or I talk about my dick, if my trousers happen to have slid down a bit, if my tops are low, and a whole slew of things.

I disappoint him with my failures and flaws.


yet you amuse us all

Yeah, he wasn't amused when I told him what I was laughing about. :(

Don't worry, Sweetie. You know he still loves you. If he didn't care, he'd let you do (and wear) whatever the fuck you wanted.

Also, try not to let your pants slide down... even a tiny glimpse of your massive penis can be traumatizing to the noublettes.

bleh, I just seem to be more and more of a disappointment and failure to him, since apparently it's his failure as a parent.

This is something he told me and my younger brother about how we suck at finances.

No, your shit is light weight. My shit, hardcore trolling.

I need to troll more.

Let's see... You're not pregnant, you're not on drugs, you don't screw every guy you meet. Hmm... I think he knows he did a good job as a parent. Maybe he's not as disappointed in you as you think. (That kinda came out wrong, but you know what I mean).

He does get compliments on us kids, but it seems like I'm disappointing him a lot lately.

I didn't get into school as he's been telling everyone he comes into contact with (about me going back to school, not the lack of it), I'm not in a good job, I haven't moved up from said job, I'm not at an ideal weight, I'm not very social anymore, and, when we were talking about my failure to get back into school, he asked me where the girl who studied my ass off and cared about shit went.

Then he asked me if I gave a shit about anything....

That's parents for ya, you can never appease them, EVER.

I've given up, honestly.

I got 2 An heroes under my belt, Habbo Hotel '08, God knows how many Twilight, Sonic and Scenefag raids and 4 hacked accounts.

He's just concerned about your future. I don't have kids. But I have friends who do. They tell me all the time that the main thing they worry about is what will happen, after their kids become adults. Will they have good jobs, will they meet someone special, will they be able to afford a roof over their heads.

A bit depressing, but all parents know that their kids will outlive them. So they worry what will happen after they're gone. Sounds like your dad is a bit worried about you, Sweetie.

I know he is, but he's said some pretty hurtful stuff that I will never forgive him for.

Just, guh.

I disappoint everyone, after a while, you stop to care.

I've honestly stopped caring.

He's worried about you. He wants you to have a good life, and a long one at that. Better than he had it.

He just wants you to use the opportunites that you have to make something of yourself; if I were you, I'd try to juggle getting back into school and your job. Maybe you can do this (I know, it does sound extreme) if you put less time into Newgrounds. :(
Good luck.

Missed many opportunities because I didn't think to take them up, and I just haven't really cared about school and work since I've gotten out of it.

Well i'm sorry you're such a failure.

No one's perfect, he'll just have to live with it.

People sometimes say things they don't mean... Sometimes pretty hurtful things. Even to the ones they love and care about.

Don't be too upset with him, Sweetie.

My dad isn't exactly the easiest man in the world to please. I've tried, over the years. Came extremely close this year... But things got fucked up at the very end; just as I was about to pull the car into the garage. (Nope, I didn't dent the car. But I would have taken that, over what actually happened). I finally had to come to the conclusion that he and I would never have a truly good relationship. Best I could hope for is mutual toleration. We sometimes spend hours in different rooms, not saying a word to each other.

I'd hate to see something similar happen to you. So don't get too upset at him if he sometimes can't find the right words to express himself.

Punch him the fucking face.

Oh, also, HI JAAAAAADE ^_____________^

I could leave a comment about how, "Oh, he just wants you to have a future, and he cares about you and blah blah", but I'm quite sure you know this, and if you've really stopped caring all together as you claim, it wouldn't make any difference anyways. Besides, I don't know you, so my opinion probably doesn't matter to you.

Also, he has no sense of humor if seeing people get hurt on Youtube doesn't make him laugh. Other people's agony is always hilarious.

Well then, welcome to the club.

Oh hey, sure is pretty much the same type of relationship that I have with my father.