
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Thanks, subconscious >:(

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - February 19th, 2009

My subconscious likes to throw me mental curveballs every so often to make sure that I don't feel happy at any given point.

For example, my dream this morning...

I originally started off being at a cake festival, and was looking at wedding cake toppers (I saw some fairly cute ones that I was like OMG BUY NOW FOR LATER WEDDING!!). Then it got bad somehow..

then it lead to this (I swear work is making me lose my mind, this is evidence of that)...

It was a summery day at work (I don't know why my work dreams lately take place in the summer), and for some stupid reason, my boss thought it'd be a good idea to buy a dog to keep at work. So I took on training it.

It was a fucking nuisance--it kept doing running jumps in order to bite me. So I'd grab his muzzle and sternly say no. I must have gotten bitten more than a dozen times at this point by this little hellion--I think it had a bit of collie in it, and I've seen a hyperactive miniature collie before.

So I'm in the back, getting something in the cooler, and the dog decides to come and bite me again. Kneejerk reaction is as it's latching itself onto my arm is to smack it on the back. It lets go and seems hurt. Lovely. So I kind of run off, going oohfuckohfuckohfuck.

Animal Control gets called in, with all these people in the cafe. I'm getting an espresso shot ready, and I'm trying not to get a lot of attention garnered on me, so I keep my back turned. One of the officers is filming for some stupid reason, then comes behind the counter (where a few of my coworkers are) and kind of stands next to me, talking away.

Then he turns to me, looks at my hands, then looks at my face, and tells me that my hands are cold, and that from my eyes, he can tell I've seen a lot of dead people, and that I'm dead inside.


That is a very strange dream. I wish I could explain it, but I am totally unqualified in the field on dream analysis.

Apparently dreaming of a dog doing bad things means i got inner conflict and whatnot. :/

Don't drink decaf, children.

Or do you think it's the heroine?

I think it's me going to bed early and my brain going "YOU'RE SLEEPING TOO MUCH!".

Or it could be because of the decaf.

Aww..... Don't let it bother you, Sweetie.

I know folks who are truly dead inside. You definitely NOT one of them.

Sometimes when dream about eating a large banana, it's just a craving for bananas..... and not something else.

It's okay.


I think I'm kinda torn about how I'm feeling about my grandma passing.

I feel like I should be grieving still, but i don't know. And my utter hatred about work.

I'd never hurt a puppy. :(

umm... what?

Well that's fucking creepy. I have weird dreams all the time, the ones that play out like movies and you can't do anything in them. You try to move and nothing happens, there's no escape, all you can do is ride it out. I have dreaming >:(

My dad laughed when I told him. :(

Stupid spammers.

Yeah, he's banned.

At least my "Spam" isn't just a bunch of words.

Sorry, but that is one fucked up dream.
then again, i've had dreams of giant cats blowing up the planet...

I agree. It was seriously fucked up, and made me feel sad. :(

I need a few things from the grocery

do things alone now mostly

left me heart broken not lookin' for love

surprised in my eyes when I looked above

the check out counter and I saw a face

My heart stood still so did time and space

Never felt that I could feel real again

But the look in her eyes said I need a friend

She turned to me thats when she said it

Looked me dead in the face, asked "Cash or Credit?"

And I


rofl <3

It's okay. You still miss your Grandma. But she wouldn't want you to be sad every time you thought of her. She'd want you to remember the happy times too.

As far as the puppy in your dream..... Maybe he kept biting you because you're so sweet. :)

More like the little fucker wanted to tango.

You seem to remember a lot of detail from your dreams. You should try Lucid Dreaming, I don't have any links handy so you should gewgle it up. I hear it's pretty awesome, though.

I don't think I'd like to do lucid dreaming. Rather go for the ride than try and control it.

awwww. sowwy bout your bad dreams. I have good dreams.... sexy dreams.

Ill show you pissy

nuh uh



jade the ASSassin.
hur hur hur

I am the same level as you now.


Amazing right? Oh and those dreams you have been having. Yea...Thats messed up.

Sleeping is for pussies