
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


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Plowing through books

Posted by JadeTheAssassin - September 9th, 2008

I'm plowing through Duma Key by Stephen King, although I need to if I want to finish the book. Stupid library and its "Fast Read" books. Have to get it done in 7 days or I get charged $1 a day every day it's overdue. So far, I'm around the 450 page mark, out of something like 610. I'm quite impressed, seeing as I haven't gotten that involved in a real novel in quite a while.

I'm also plowing through Sailor Moon. I started it from the beginning agesssss ago, and kind of hee'ed and haw'ed around not watching it, seeing as it's about 296 episodes. Right now, I'm on Sailor Moon R, and around with Prince Dimande and Esmeraude (which is pretty close to the end of R, seeing as within the next 5 episodes Black Lady comes around and then epic battle and such). So I'm quite pleased with myself, considering some of these episodes I have never seen. So I'm catching up on lost childhood time. :P

I'm also bingeing on manga--I've bought so much lately. It's really bad, but it's keeping me amused and kind of making my days go faster, seeing as I'm bringing them to work, and it's something that keeps me excited and entertained. Lots of Golgo 13, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Maison Ikkoku, Nana, GTO, and MPD-Psycho (which is lulzy, BRAIN FLOWERS HOLY CARP!).

I'm also trying to find other stuff to read while I'm on the Internet, such as blogs and stuff. I lurk on a particular urban legends forum, as well as pop by about 10 different blogs, 5 celebrity gossip blogs, a few gadget/movie blogs, Newgrounds, BBC News, about 10 webcomics.

I think I'm just starving for literature and/or reading material lately. I haven't read as much as I used to when I was in elementary and high school--I'd plow through at least a book and a half a week, ranging from Gossip Girl to Stephen King to romance novels. Just something to keep my mind occupied while I wore myself down at night, or when I was waiting for school to start, while I ate my lunch, while I waited for class to start/waiting for people to finish tests (I'd be really quick on test-taking, although it didn't bring the best results, but I always did bad if I started changing and second-guessing answers), and just read for the sake of getting sucked into the story.

I also haven't written in a very long time. I also haven't been drawing, so my creativity is kind of dying on me, which is sad, because I keep getting ideas in my head based on books or just on stuff I'd think of at work (which I've started doing crossword puzzles and Sudoku on my break if I didn't feel like reading the newspaper, you know, when my boss wasn't around...). I don't know.

My hunger for reading has hit me full force. I haven't felt this sucked into reading in a long time, it feels like.




Nice going lol, man I couldn't ever get really into books like that. Not even manga(I know, a shock)

But hey, nothing wrong with reading and you're reading mostly stuff that I've told you to read :)

Thus my control over you is a success :)


I gobble books (or I used to) like they were candy. :D

You're inspiring me to finish up my last story thread. :)

Moar reading!

but only when you can!

I'm starving for reading material. I finished the Discworld series and now I'm considering reading my wife's stash of fantasy type mega series...it's sad

read "watchmen" in like 2 days.

Considering how many books are in the Discworld series, lol.

there are 3 books i like...
In Death Ground & The Shiva Option by David Weber
and A Call to Arms by Alan Dean Foster...

do i get a cookie?

I.. guess?

I recommend William Manchester's
A World Lit Only By Fire.

Have your read 1948 by George Orwell?

1948 ??

You mean the one where 3 years after the end of W.W.II, it's discovered that Hitler's brain was kept alive and is going to be transplanted into the body of the American President's wife. That book??

Eh, it's okay. But no where near as good as Orwell's 1984.


ok, so now that i have my cookie... how are you?

I made the photoshop of you the picture on my page :)
It's crappy yeah..but it's Daria!

I hope you like Daria otherwise this sucks badly :P

Btw, have you read any Twilight books or Pendergast(by Preston & Child) books?
Twilight is really sappy, but the story ends up alright.

The Pendergast books are awesome but get weird :) You should read them. Or not, but hey, at least if you hear of Douglas Preson or Licoln Child you'll be like "Umm..maybe sometime I heard of those books..I might read it." Good stuff.

Yay for books!


</immature humor>

i love books too!

I would recommend Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's a very tragic book, although I think you would understand the message quite well.

lol, you read books almost as fast as i do.
i can read Eragon in a day and a half!
btw, if your bookstore or libery has them, get the books by a guy called Mthew Reilly.
Very good, very fast paced.
and funny at times.

Hi My name is JetPackWithAJetpack and I am going to die in 3 minutes. BBB.

Hmm..I read faster then you.
Ah, for the lulz,