
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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Posted by JadeTheAssassin - May 10th, 2008

Getting into one of those moods about work. Doesn't help that I think I'm getting sick again.

Today just seemed like one bad thing after another.

I walk up to work, and I get startled by a raccoon in an alleyway. Thankfully it wasn't a coyote, which I do know that they roam around where I live.

My co-worker was an hour and a half late getting into work because her other job got her out late, and she slept in and blahblahblah, so I was alone for a good chunk of the morning. I call my boss so he knows (I felt pretty rotten about telling him, but I was getting really p-oed about being alone and such), and she comes in about 2 minutes after I hang up the phone.

He comes in, talks to her, talks to me (tells me to call him if people are late, blahblahblah), gets all quiet and such for the rest of the day--maybe pissed off, who knows, I don't care (although he did give me and my two buddies that I work with (one of them my bff) $20 when the three of us were going for dinner so we could get dessert after).

I spill espresso all over my new green sweater >:(. The machine seems to be in the shits because one of the groupheads on the machine wasn't working properly, so I was continually flushing out the machine as I had read that this will make a better crema, as well as actually cleaning the portafilter (which i scrubbed for a good part of my day) and I was told not to flush the machine because apparently the machine gets messed up or something. @_@
I dunno.

And I still have a burn mark when I touched the steam wand against the back of my hand. >:(

Bahhh. Only good part was that I got to chat with Fyndir and Mendou on zee phone. And the $10 worth of tips I earned today. And buying ice cream and beef jerky. :3



Look on the bright side..... at least you didn't spill it on your new NG T-shirt. :)

Much <3

I haven't gotten my NG shirt yet. :(

Mine was a pink shirt with skulls on it.

If that is a TL;DR for someone you have to be fucking joking.

Also, neutral sweaters yay!

People have been known for TL;DRing at lesser things.

I think that would be the kids not being able to read paragraphed blog posts.

What type of job do you even have anyway? sounds like some cafe like starbucks? :o

I know.

And it's a coffeeslinger job. :P

Not Starbucks, though.

I live in B.C also , would you like to partake in anal intercourse?... please



Fuck off.

I'll fucking shank you if you ever call me a dick on the phone again.

I'll cry if you do. :(

Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Bitch

I know how you feel all those mornings you Really have to push yourself to get out of bed, you feel like a robot, and having to deal with your local "assholes" I know. You should try putting a reason for doing something for more motivation(like seeing someone playing some game,etc) I solved my problem with that by doing that, all day my motivation to get up, and going to school was seeing chicks, and getting home to fap. it's funny but it works, but now with a lot of BS it's hard to go on with out getting pissed off at someone

I'm trying to get more into perfecting techniques to make the best coffees I can possibly serve to my customers.

My reason for putting up with this is to work with my bff and my other friend I met through working with her, to get money to go back to school, to get experience with customer service, to get out of the house so I'm not stuck being completely isolated, and to actually do something.

I had a lady complain about her grilled cheese sandwich being dry. I don't know HOW, I don't know WHY, but I don't CARE. :P

Times are hard now but it will payoff in the end I try to not care but every day I put up with kids in HIGH SCHOOL yelling, screaming, throwing stuff at me standing on tables, kids trying top stab me with spoons and whenever I try to get the schools admins to stop it get in trouble and they always get away with it because they are black. it is so bad that someday fear I may go nuts some days I get violent thoughts motivated to do horrible deadly thing so since I am ahead in school I take vacations to literally stay sane and to keep my self from going on a rampage, but lately it has not of gotten that bad.

BTW did you wear a green sweater to feel like a mod at work?


No. :D

I have days like that, well pretty much every day
so count youself lucky

Wow.....what a bitch, living you there alone. I'm sorry.

All your fault.

Never did understood why there's such a thing as TLDR...either read or fuck off...anyway

It sucks when things don't get really the way you want them but you know, shit happens. Seems you sucked it all up and looked like you're nearing burning yourself out. Better take care of yourself before that happens, though it would seem you know that already...Take a breather if you can

I've been burning myself out for the last month or so--haven't been sleeping well and working really early mornings.



Holy shit it's tigerkitty!


Burn marks aren't fun. I mean, the worst I had was a rash from touching a hot plate. Can't imagine how much worse a burn mark could be.

Also, that raccoon was probably the same as those other commercial raccoons who steal a car just to eat at Wendy's.
