I work at a coffee shop, but it's a local one. And our competition is Starbucks, which is just a block down the street.
Age 36, Female
Mrs. DevourerJay
Joined on 4/5/04
I work at a coffee shop, but it's a local one. And our competition is Starbucks, which is just a block down the street.
I do, too. I just don't like the atmosphere of my work. Combine that with the fact that I haven't gotten a raise in almost 2 years, as well as the fact that even though I'm the most senior person besides my bff, I'm getting less shifts. :/
I don't think you need more coffee ... especially not with an employee discount.
Still hope you get the job though.
giving away your benefits!?
I will have a Venti Vanilla Earl Grey Tea Misto please.
If you don't get the job, you could always sell yourself on the street. I hear there is a growing market for chicks with dicks.
I love you still.
So did you get the job?
I haven't heard back yet. :(
Not yet?
Then you've got to follow up. Be polite, but make sure they know you're serious about this job.
I did follow up. She said she was still calling references. :/
What... happened to you?
still no word, i guess? if you don't get the job, get back down there and sever their nards. it's the only right thing to do. ^_____^
I cooooould
No homicidal violence for you, Sweetie.
That sort of thing might cost you the job.
Wish I had a job... :(
Today I wish I was unemployed.
I went to work right before a giant blizzard hit. (Did I mention I work outdoors?)
Heading home took longer than expected. My relief was half an hour late, and God bless her for leaving early; otherwise it would have been worse. The private contractor hired to plow all the snow away didn't show up until 12:45am! He was expected about 6 hours earlier. As in, before the parking lot got buried in so much snow that everyone was getting fucking stuck! So yeah, I got stuck while pulling out of my parking spot.
The security supervisor and the new guy came out to help get me unstuck. That humiliating experience took about 40 minutes. (Some of my fingers are still numb as Hell). I manage to drive home with no problems. (Yay for Stability Control).
Turns out that the driveway to the large garage that I share with 40 other building residents, wasn't cleared! (Those lazy-ass maintenance crew assholes). So I get stuck again! Lucky for me, a very helpful guy with a shovel shows up. It felt like we were trying to get my car unstuck for hours! But it was once again closer to 40 minutes. I thanked him for the generous help he gave me.
Then came the fun task of driving around, trying to find a parking spot at 2:18am ... a rare spot since most of the sanitation trucks plowed in a bunch of cars that were already parked. Plowed them in on every single street.
Then my luck turned again. I called home to say that I'd be very late. Found out that there was an open spot right under my window. By some miracle, I managed to pull my car into the spot perfectly! (On my very first try).
What is normally a 20 minute drive, turned into a 3 hour nightmare. There were accidents and stuck cars everywhere.
Was it worth the money I made during that 8 hour shift? Oh Hell no!
Bleh. I'm able to walk to work if the buses aren't working (thankfully).
Sorry you had a rough day. :(
Don't OD on coffee.
I'm feeling better today.
Thanks, Sweetie. :)
You were a good mod. I was just reading an old thread.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/896834/3#bbspost16132436_heading">http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/89683 4/3#bbspost16132436_heading</a>
btw, update your job lmao.
yup, you aint no mod... woman... :P
however, i got a job for you... ;D
cutting grass?
Merry Christmas, Sweetie!
Much <3
Just out of curiosity are you a man or woman or BOTH.
I'm cool.