
Age 36, Female

Mrs. DevourerJay


Joined on 4/5/04

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TehDe goT dem mAGic liQuid plEasuREs yAEh no!?

This made me sad. :'(

What's wrong with you?

I'm just very broken.

How do you keep getting burned at school repeatedly?

When you're welding with a particular type of electrode (6010), it's known to be very heavy in splatter. So I got very very hot small metal pieces jumping up and burning through my coveralls.

And me forgetting that metal = hot.

I'm sorry to hear that, Sweetie.

I'd suggest trying to see if you can get a prescription for morphine. It kills the pain, but highly addictive. It DOES come in pill form. Last time I ended up in the hospital, they pumped me full of the stuff. And I barely felt any results. Barely numbed the pain, hardly even made me drowsy. But that's just me.

If the pain is really severe, ask them if they'll give you at least an injection of the stuff.

Wish I could make you feel better..... And perhaps I can. Check my User Page in a couple of days. Been working on the next installment of The Jade Chronicles.

Bit scared to hug you, and perhaps break you even more. But I'll try.....

*Hugs very gently*

I could try and see my doctor, but I don't know if she'd give me anything stronger than the naproxen i take for period cramps.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I trust myself with heavy duty painkillers like morphine. i got an addictive personality, and i know that if I started dabbling in it, I'd start down a very slippery slope.

The pain isn't severe, it's that it's fucking annoying.

*big hug*

Thank you uncle. <3

Ah, I feel your pain, dearie.

Got a muddafuggen fever that doesn't wanna quit (which gives me powerful delusions as well as the inability to think coherently; the only way i'm typing this now is at a high off ibuprofen), what will either be wisdom teeth or gum infection popping up making it impossible to chew as well as canker sores, headache, stomachache, and bruises from sparring with friends (apparently they don't believe me when I say "I'm sick don't make me do this").

Life sucks, huh?

That's always fun, isn't it :/

Canker sores fucking suck. I'm prone to them since I got a habit of biting the inside of my cheeks as well as chewing on the inside of my lip when i'm nervous.

you've been ignoring the oil light again, haven't you?

Not into automotive, gone to welding instead. lol mal

hot engines are hot, this i know.

What the hell are you doing to get burned over and over again at school?

Also, I know how you feel. I've taken so many low-grade painkillers like Tylenol and Ibuprofen and all that shit I've grown immune to them.

Also, why is your jaw so shitty? I'd like to make a "Sucking too much cockLOLOLOL" joke, but it's so obvious it wouldn't be funny.

Lots of splatter, lots of "hmm, this doesn't look hot. i left it alone for 20 minutes" and sizzle.

Ibuprofen hasn't really ever worked for me. I don't want to test how much would help since I don't want to fuck my liver up from that.

And my jaw's shitty because I clench my teeth, and the pressure from clenching for so many years fucked my jaw up, and probably getting my mouth hit a few times doesn't help.

Have you ever heard of waxing your eyebrows?

Have you heard of stfu

I got tendonitis in June and it sucked very hard, so I feel your pain. Plus, I think I'm starting to get insomnia since school for me is starting soon.

Totally fun to have them both.

Chin up Jade. Things will become much better :)

And if it helps at all, I want you to know that my wife is currently at the hospital.

(she could pop any mintue :D)

I expect lotsa pictures :3

Welding isn't for women.

pft, stfu slappy


Who's been hitting you in the mouth??

That's not right.

Much <3.

More like I fall and whack my chin.

fffff, right side hurts. :/



...home ec.?

Metal spatters.

Well if theres one thing I learned in my life-time, is that DUCT TAPE FIXES EVERYTHING!

That is true.

Sounds like someone needs a hug.




Poor Jade. <=( Please don't die.

why would I die? lol

Looks like yourbroken, hope you feel better Jade.

thank you :)

how did i get to this userpage? i dunno.
hope you feel better soon. i wish i could weld.
i used to be a barista. and uhmm..
catch ya on the flipside.
and get jiggy with it.

parents just don't understand

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