I wish it rained too. It's over 100 degrees in California right now. And that picture is awesome.
Age 36, Female
Mrs. DevourerJay
Joined on 4/5/04
I wish it rained too. It's over 100 degrees in California right now. And that picture is awesome.
I want rain.
I'm happy when it rains.
I'll never look at you the same way ever again :B
Why not?
you drew that? you got some talent... my talent goes as far as stick figures... i dont have a single art skill
I drew it, needed to do something while waiting for people to respond on MSN.
This reminds of a 1940's detective movie.
Women detectives in trenchcoats=hot
you should really take it up, artists can make a killing, either way, i like it. good job jade
I don't think I could make a living. I can barely draw guys as it is, lol.
maybe for porn, but who knows.
The hell are you smoking, I'm always waiting for YOU to respond on MSN.
Silly girl, blaming everyone else.
More like doodling helps the brain process what to say next.
Hence why I'm either drawing or reading or playing Freecell/Spider Solitaire. Getting the brain process going when I'm trying to think.
All about keeping the hands busy.
Such a sad character..... Is her make-up running because of the rain, or because she's been crying?
<a href="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6dspDZgx-es&feature=related">http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6dspDZg x-es&feature=related</a>
fuck yes I love that song.
and maybe a mix of both? Shame, maybe?
i like u can u be my friend?
Hmm..... What if I told you the pic, and your response, are inspiring a story idea.
Let me know if you want to hear it.
(BTW, no; I'm not asking for permission to start a new story thread).
I wanna heaaaaaaar about it. :D
Is that a trenchcoat? I FUCKING LOVE TRENCH COATS.
A craptacular one.
hmm.... good stuff
You see the thing is, I must fight you.
What a sad character.
Like everything about her is sad. Running makeup, sad expression, sad hair, sad boobs, everything.
Everything except the trenchcoat, of course.
I draw.. sadly?
All in keeping the theme.
:) <3
Is that supposed to be you?
She seems so sad...
Though her nipples seem to be having a GREAT time.
I too <3 white shirts :O
Yeah. :D
Did u draw taht? It looks neat :P .
Thanks, I did.
Nice! That looks devine.
I love the detail in the eyes.
Also like every other comment:
for you, its hot....for my dad's girlfriend who does that every night, I wanna cut my eyes out 0-0.
Hard nips